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Debate Wars

Hillary Clinton - Page 1

Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Godofdeath19
Date: 2007-08-27 09:18:18
In my opinion she'd make a crappy president.  I want to know what the rest of you all think. 

BTW: She claims that she is going to "stop Global Warming."  I say different. You can't stop it, try and figure out why for ?20 :P

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: d3ad connection
Date: 2007-08-27 16:22:47
Because it is a natural process of the Earth?

I don't like her cause she thinks violent video games corrupt our minds

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Godofdeath19
Date: 2007-08-27 20:15:11
You win :D

She sucks lol…

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: missingno_master
Date: 2007-08-27 20:35:58

Because it is a natural process of the Earth?

I don't like her cause she thinks violent video games corrupt our minds

They do, but who's complaining? [img][/img]

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Godofdeath19
Date: 2007-08-27 21:27:15
Don't talk about video games please, only Clinton's stupidity.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Zach the Glitch Buster
Date: 2007-08-27 21:31:58

Because it is a natural process of the Earth?

I don't like her cause she thinks violent video games corrupt our minds

They do,

Thats Bull Shit.

But on the topic of Hillary Clinton, She Sucks. I'm not a fan of her. One thing I dislike is that she says the she is much more experenced then Obama. This, unless you count being the first lady[size=3pt]Which you shouldent[/size], Is not true. Hillary Clinton has four more years under her belt. This is more but not much. Also her extra four years don't make up for her crappy ideas.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Godofdeath19
Date: 2007-08-28 09:17:11
Prepare for the worst president in history who would be about 1000x worse than Bush, and "Global Warming" was created by a stupid person named Al Gore, who SHOULD burn in hell.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: hoggins
Date: 2007-08-28 13:25:19
Global Warming is partially okay, without it, we would be in another ice age.

Oh, & only video games like Manhunt & Clown Rampage 3 corrupt our minds.

Prepare for the worst president in history who would be about 1000x worse than Bush.

I highly doubt that. Besides, Bush was stupid enough to ask what state Wales was in.


Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Newo
Date: 2007-08-28 13:27:15

Prepare for the worst president in history who would be about 1000x worse than Bush, and "Global Warming" was created by a stupid person named Al Gore, who SHOULD burn in hell.

Al Gore didn't create global warming….
You Americans [size=8pt](in a stereotypical way.)[/size] don't f**king care about the environment. You should look at Germany, they are environmentally friendly. It is against the law to throw away recycle-able goods. You guys don't know the first thing about the prevention of global warming.
You guys are so f**king full of yourselves you will let the world burn up before you admit you were wrong. You use tumble driers even if it is hotter outside. You will try and freeze yourself in summer. You use your gas gosling cars without a care in the world.

Maybe I should burn in hell by your rules, but it would be better than choking myself on carbon dioxide and possible burning on earth.
I hope you get a president who has enough brains to realise before your country kills us all. You guys counteract everything we do in Europe .

If this isn't like you and you do try and save power and resources then good.
I try and do my best to save money and fuel. We will get our own personal wind turbine.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2007-08-28 13:49:00

BTW: She claims that she is going to "stop Global Warming."  I say different. You can't stop it, try and figure out why for ?20 :P

I don't like her cause she thinks violent video games corrupt our minds

Bah, just like most of America and most of the human race, she's an idiot. I bet she also thinks swear words corrupt our minds.



Prepare for the worst president in history who would be about 1000x worse than Bush, and "Global Warming" was created by a stupid person named Al Gore, who SHOULD burn in hell.

So, Al Gore has the power to fill the skies with carbon dioxide and stuff?

All worship Al Gore, because he has godly powers, and because we idiotic humans are scared of deities.

Global Warming is partially okay, without it, we would be in another ice age.

I'd prefer an ice age over global warming. :\

Al Gore didn't create global warming….
You Americans [size=8pt](in a stereotypical way.)[/size] don't f**king care about the environment. You should look at Germany, they are environmentally friendly. It is against the law to throw away recycle-able goods. You guys don't know the first thing about the prevention of global warming.
You guys are so f**king full of yourselves you will let the world burn up before you admit you were wrong. You use tumble driers even if it is hotter outside. You will try and freeze yourself in summer. You use your gas gosling cars without a care in the world.

Maybe I should burn in hell by your rules, but it would be better than choking myself on carbon dioxide and possible burning on earth.
I hope you get a president who has enough brains to realise before your country kills us all. You guys counteract everything we do in Europe .

People are too greedy and learn too much from others without thinking for themselves.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2007-08-28 14:02:42
Stickying this thread because this is a real debate thread, and so admins know not to lock and delete this thread.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Godofdeath19
Date: 2007-08-28 18:20:30
Well Al Gore didn't creae it, but he scared people just because he wanted attention.  And yes, I try to conserve valuable resources too.  I recycle and other things but still…  I just hate the fact that everyone believes it's real -.- And thanks for Stickying o.O

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: d3ad connection
Date: 2007-08-28 18:26:22

Global warming is real, it's a natural process.

After the ice caps melt, fresh water gets dumped into the oceans, changing the current, changing the weather.

Earth gets slapped in the face with another ice age.

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Godofdeath19
Date: 2007-08-28 18:28:10
Exactly my point :P Have a cookie (?10)

Re: Hillary Clinton

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-08-29 00:49:37

Prepare for the worst president in history who would be about 1000x worse than Bush, and "Global Warming" was created by a stupid person named Al Gore, who SHOULD burn in hell.

Al Gore didn't create global warming….
You Americans [size=8pt](in a stereotypical way.)[/size] don't f**king care about the environment. You should look at Germany, they are environmentally friendly. It is against the law to throw away recycle-able goods. You guys don't know the first thing about the prevention of global warming.
You guys are so f**king full of yourselves you will let the world burn up before you admit you were wrong. You use tumble driers even if it is hotter outside. You will try and freeze yourself in summer. You use your gas gosling cars without a care in the world.

Maybe I should burn in hell by your rules, but it would be better than choking myself on carbon dioxide and possible burning on earth.
I hope you get a president who has enough brains to realise before your country kills us all. You guys counteract everything we do in Europe .

If this isn't like you and you do try and save power and resources then good.
I try and do my best to save money and fuel. We will get our own personal wind turbine.

Good idea. I also think we should all drink tea all the time.