Re: Religion and the creation of new religions.
Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2007-08-27 18:58:08
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but people don't even actualy believe in FSM.
Eh. I say let people believe what they want to believe.
Compared to most "real" religions, FSM is equally as plausible.
Hoggins has the Gospel of the FSM. He read me some quotes. It is actually very scientific in a taking-the-piss-of-religions sort of way.
not exactly, because FSM was deliberately made up as a falsehood.but people don't even actualy believe in FSM.
Eh. I say let people believe what they want to believe.
Compared to most "real" religions, FSM is equally as plausible.
not exactly, because FSM was deliberately made up as a falsehood.but people don't even actualy believe in FSM.
Eh. I say let people believe what they want to believe.
Compared to most "real" religions, FSM is equally as plausible.
FSM makes as much sense as most real religions.
IF you want to
IF you want to
I don't want to go to hell, the beer is stale & the strippers have venereal diseases ([size=8pt]not unlike Las Vegas[/size]).
Exactly, I'm too young to die. (& you're 10 so are therefore also too young)