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Ive finaly done it - Page 1

Ive finaly done it

Posted by: shirabu
Date: 2008-11-08 15:12:24
I have recovered some of my Glitch data and ive found out how to get a Flying surfing pikachu without using pokesav and ARDS device. march 9th 2009 (which is my B-day) I'll be giving away 10 of them away. (-:3

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-09 01:28:04

I have recovered some of my Glitch data and ive found out how to get a Flying surfing pikachu without using pokesav and ARDS device. march 9th 2008 (which is my B-day) I'll be giving away 10 of them away. (-:3
How about you just tell us how?

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: Mezase Master
Date: 2008-11-09 08:57:33
March 9th, 2008 has already gone by.  Exactly eight months ago today.

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: shirabu
Date: 2008-11-09 10:03:06
oops sorry ill be fixing that then thanks for pointing that out Mezase Master

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: Mezase Master
Date: 2008-11-09 22:05:17
Why are you waiting so long to give them away?

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: shirabu
Date: 2008-11-10 13:56:35
the waiting game those who can wait for the longest period of time without bothering me will get one (also 1 is promised to any admins that would like one please e-mail me your name and friend code along with your GCLF name will contact to make sure you are the right one!)

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-11 02:26:23
I don't belive that you used a glitch! I will only belive you if you tell us.

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: shirabu
Date: 2008-11-11 05:22:39
well then you'll have to wait then. have fun guessing

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-11-11 15:54:04
Uhh… Q Glitch?

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: shirabu
Date: 2008-11-11 17:23:26
caught in wild and found out how to make coppies. oh by the way GARY 'M 9 i have one for you would you like it now or wait untill march 9th like the others?

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-11-11 17:25:30
Cart or .sav file?

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: shirabu
Date: 2008-11-11 20:52:27
actualy for once. neither from me. I did use the ards to coppy the pikachu but I caught it wild. Though I checked, it completly cleared some of the stuff and changed the trainer name and number (took me forever to get the pokesav code to get it back to the way it should be). well ya want it or not?

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-11-12 16:07:38
It's a code for D/P?

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: shirabu
Date: 2008-11-12 21:08:07
… the copy code was an ar code just needed to make copies for this event

Re: Ive finaly done it

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-11-13 15:13:00

… the copy code was an ar code just needed to make copies for this event

No… you used pokesav to make the copies.