Glitch City Laboratories Archives

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They Call Me Tater Salad. - Page 3

Re: They Call Me...

Posted by: PokemonGlitcher
Date: 2007-03-31 23:49:59

We're not banning you. Why? Because I need to be told occasionally when I f**k up! None of us are perfect, you see, and I occasionally act the same way you did. If I ban everyone who criticizes me, I'd have a pretty dead forum right now. GCLF is about freedom of speech, not censorship - that's why we let you get away with stuff like that, even swearing!

We even let you keep your Member Plus status! Because GCLF is awesome and we let our members say s**t like that. :P

Thanks, I'm glad to know that you all don't hate me for going off like that, I rarely NEVER do that, I'll try not to do that again…
And it makes me feel even better that I can say fuck without being yelled at!

Re: They Call Me...

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2007-07-27 13:19:15

We're not banning you. Why? Because I need to be told occasionally when I f**k up! None of us are perfect, you see, and I occasionally act the same way you did. If I ban everyone who criticizes me, I'd have a pretty dead forum right now. GCLF is about freedom of speech, not censorship - that's why we let you get away with stuff like that, even swearing!

We even let you keep your Member Plus status! Because GCLF is awesome and we let our members say s**t like that. :P

Thanks, I'm glad to know that you all don't hate me for going off like that, I rarely NEVER do that, I'll try not to do that again…
And it makes me feel even better that I can say f**k without being yelled at!
Watch it. you have to have a reason for swearing. don't just willy-nilly swear.

Re: They Call Me...

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2007-07-27 13:21:21

(Walks in room slowly)

Um…Oh Jesus…I REALLY shouldn't of gone off like that, I understand if you don't want me to come back here, I don't think I can show myself around here since that incident I made… go ahead and delete me, ban me, I know I deserve it…I don't deserve to be on anymore, I'm so ashamed of myself…I know you all hate me now…
If only you had decided to leave forever. crap.

Re: They Call Me...

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-07-27 13:24:13

We're not banning you. Why? Because I need to be told occasionally when I f**k up! None of us are perfect, you see, and I occasionally act the same way you did. If I ban everyone who criticizes me, I'd have a pretty dead forum right now. GCLF is about freedom of speech, not censorship - that's why we let you get away with stuff like that, even swearing!

We even let you keep your Member Plus status! Because GCLF is awesome and we let our members say s**t like that. :P

Thanks, I'm glad to know that you all don't hate me for going off like that, I rarely NEVER do that, I'll try not to do that again…
And it makes me feel even better that I can say f**k without being yelled at!
Watch it. you have to have a reason for swearing. don't just willy-nilly swear.

Where does it say that?

Re: They Call Me...

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2007-07-27 15:08:59
It doesn't.

Re: They Call Me...

Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2007-07-29 17:57:13

(Walks in room slowly)

Um…Oh Jesus…I REALLY shouldn't of gone off like that, I understand if you don't want me to come back here, I don't think I can show myself around here since that incident I made… go ahead and delete me, ban me, I know I deserve it…I don't deserve to be on anymore, I'm so ashamed of myself…I know you all hate me now…
If only you had decided to leave forever. crap.

Oh drat!
Your plans have been foiled again!