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Wiki Discussion

On the definition of "glitch" - Page 3

Re: On the definition of "glitch"

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-11-26 14:36:07
Use of terms was pretty confusing there. Don't think I'd go as far as saying it encourages viewers not to think, but I changed that part of the page.

Re: On the definition of "glitch"

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2020-01-05 08:13:40
Following the poll; which came out for clarifying definition -


Discuss what to do with this if you like. :)

Re: On the definition of "glitch"

Posted by: moose
Date: 2020-01-16 08:51:56
I don't do much here anymore, but I personally consider bug and glitch to be the same, and will probably not remember all of these obscure rules. The longer winded these guidelines are, the more new members will just be tempted to not bother remembering anything and consider them all the same.

Re: On the definition of "glitch"

Posted by: Cryo
Date: 2020-01-16 17:40:15
I don't really have any stake in this, but a "bug" is effectively the programmatic error that results in unintended behavior, whereas a "glitch" is the direct æffect of a bug being triggered. Just use terms that fit the situation or subject.

Re: On the definition of "glitch"

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2020-01-17 02:46:10
I think it was pretty clear "bug" and "glitch" would be treated the same regarding page names, with a preference for "glitch" for fairly obvious reasons. Clarifying whether or not a given observation is a direct effect was the main question if I recall correctly.

Also, everyone has a stake in site-related matters unless it's said otherwise, regardless of their permissions.

Re: On the definition of "glitch"

Posted by: Cryo
Date: 2020-01-17 07:20:36
Ohh gotcha, definitely treat them the same in regards to page names, otherwise that'd probably cause confusion – I was mostly referring to their usages in technical descriptions and wiki article text.

For example, I personally love seeing why a certain glitch occurs (the "bug") as well as how to make that glitch occur in a controllable manner (the "trick" or "exploit"), but those can easily be added in the wiki article itself without needing to be part of the title, especially since the most important part of the glitch is…well, the glitch. =P

One excellent example of this is the ZZAZZ glitch article (, which not only explains the method of obtaining the glitch, but also the details on what's going on behind the scenes and how the game mechanics work to produce that effect, which is heckin' awesome to me. <3

And ye I totally agree, I deffo misspoke on the whole stake thing, sorry about that! I mostly meant my post as a "keep this in mind when writing an article" rather than a "these are the rules that should be followed when writing an article", which wasn't really apparent from the way I worded it. ^^;;

Re: On the definition of "glitch"

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2020-03-06 09:14:23
For Yuzihax, Photon-Phoenix, Abwayax. I started these in January (there may be a few more) but want input if that's OK. Thanks.

Re: On the definition of "glitch"

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2020-05-11 18:04:26
Due to the subjectivity on which term to use, should we remove the suffixes like "glitch", "oversight" from titles altogether? Like this article currently ?  (Note it's currently not "friendship underflow glitch")

Or leave it like etc.

A concern I have though is that it's also a way to distinguish from articles not about glitching methods, like which is about what the term RAM means, so in that respect from the title you'd no longer necessarily know what is a glitch and what is a terminology article (other than through places like the category pages). In that respect we could maybe just keep using one term, (that could be glitch or for a more general term exploit - yet that could open a complication where (on a relatively greater scale) intended exploits like using a Repel to encounter Pokémon only above your level are covered, which we wouldn't call glitches.

Maybe we could dub another project name: So something like "Project (anything based on what we and Abwayax wants)"; so like how Project Caspar is for non-Pokémon glitches (and glitchy/buggy/unintended exploits), Project (something) could identify it, and articles moved to things like "Project Pokémon exploits:Old man", "Project Caspar:Super Mario Bros." etc. On the project name we could state something like "all glitches, bugs, oversights and unintended exploits are included".

I agree with moose's post personally, and it seems people's definitions of 'glitch', 'oversight', 'exploit' etc. can vary from person to person:

I don't do much here anymore, but I personally consider bug and glitch to be the same, and will probably not remember all of these obscure rules. The longer winded these guidelines are, the more new members will just be tempted to not bother remembering anything and consider them all the same.

A long time ago we also had a distinction between glitch and trick (old man trick etc.). In the past I think we used it to describe 'something' that requires another base glitch(but I'm unsure?) (base glitch/natural glitch as in something that requires no other glitches; in this case, old man trick requires the left-facing shore tile glitch that allows the previous grass Pokémon buffer combined with the old man's ability to change it).  Not everywhere accept this type of title, namely Celebi Egg Trick was created on Bulbapedia (maybe based on our naming; at one point we called it Celebi Egg trick too) and was moved to Celebi egg glitch later.