Error Error
Posted by: GlitchManic
Date: 2006-05-11 03:09:09
That is the message I got when walking into the Viriden PokéMart.
This is what happened -
I had been playing my blue save in a yellow game using the BrainBoy.
I went into the Viriden PokéMart to buy some stuff and then the error error
came up on the screen. My guy walked up to the counter and the shop keeper
dissapered. A text box came up that read something with jumbled text and
1s followed by a black block (repeated over and over) and then grass showed up.
I sat there with the music playing - it was a combo of the Eliete 4 and Rocket's hideout -
and all of a sudden the sound goes *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*
I looked at the screen and I saw my guy had vanished too. Then small line appeared where the shop
keeper was and slowly moved to where my guy was standing. When the reached the
invisabe me the game crashed and the screen when blank.
I think that happened because -
* there was no error set for the error I got and
* the game was trying to give me another oak's package.