Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.
Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2008-07-01 10:39:07
Stuff already done: Added Door to Safari Zone Entrance (so now it can be entered from Fuschia and fixed some of the glitchyness in tiles and collision.
But still, the Safari Zone should be bigger than it currently is. In other words it needs to be expanded. I also added a gatehouse but it does not work and looks weird. Wild pokemon data needs to also be implemented.
Changed Cinnibar Back to the way it was in Red and Blue just for the hell of it and because there are beta maps of Cinnibar Lab in the game programming. I need someone to change where Blue is located otherwise the game can't be completed. (He's now on the roof of pokemon Mansion)
Plans for other maps: Lake of Rage had a town in it at one time (located in the area near where the Wednsday brother gives you the Blackbelt item and where that wooden house is located.) I plan on restoring that also but have noticed that the tiles don't line up the same way in the picture. I think this might have something to do with the lake's size but am not sure.
I also have plans to do something with Eckreteak City.
as well as most of the other cities in the game.
If anyone wants to help they are welcome to do so.