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Emulation & ROM Hacking

Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted. - Page 2

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2008-07-25 21:30:19

Normal Members can't see this anymore.

thank desu god.

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2008-07-25 23:49:51

Normal Members can't see this anymore.

This bord?

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2008-07-26 23:34:39

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2008-07-31 16:14:47

Locke Yggdrasil is a person, not a tool.
Pokecommunity has MegaMap.

That's not what kulzar on there said. I think Locke Yggdrasil made the tool but only gave it to a few people I knew he was a person just because I googled it a while back. It has to exist because I saw screnshots of the Goldmap Kulzar was using and the warp, people and sign post labels looked more detailed. Besides I'm sure p[eople name tools after themselves all the time. I downloaded Mega map from whack a hack today and it keeps making that loud boom noise that plays when an error occurs but no message displays. Why is it that everytime I get a hacking tool it is currupted or invalid. Sonic hacking wiz pro and gerbil soft rom hacking studio do this to me too. so does the GS TM editor

Locke Yggdrasil is a person, not a tool.

Pokecommunity has MegaMap.
  this link didn't load like it should have for me.
I recently met someone on Youtube and we're working out a deal. If I help with the artistic aspects of his rom hack he'll help me with the programming aspects of my hacks. At least it is a start for both of us.
I might as well scrap this hack or give it to someone who can finish it and give them the rights to it.

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2008-08-10 15:21:53
What rom are you trying to edit..?

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2008-08-10 16:32:41

What rom are you trying to edit..?

Pokemon gold

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: Zach the Glitch Buster
Date: 2008-08-31 08:52:12
You going to give us a download link for your hack?

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2008-09-05 17:46:57 There you go. Happy now?

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: Yuzihax
Date: 2008-09-05 18:10:55 There you go. Happy now?

Wow, I was going to download this until the "Happy now?" part.
Try being less of a dick.

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: Zach the Glitch Buster
Date: 2008-09-06 21:24:00 There you go. Happy now?

Wow, I was going to download this until the "Happy now?" part.
Try being less of a dick.

Yeah, kinda halfta agree with Yuzi on this one.

Re: Working on Pokemon Gold Beta Map Restoration Hack. Help wanted.

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-02-11 16:27:45
I have good reason to post here. This was my very first topic after all. I am pleased to announce that due to the insane demands of the pokemon hacking community I no longer hack pokemon roms. So if those of you hoping for me to finish this hack I am sorry to say that this will not happen. Not now, not in the future, and not ever again.

I don't hack to please others anymore. This is why hacking pokemon roms no longer works anymore. As for this topic it is an example of what I see as "High hacking expectations." Where members of a rom hacking community try to force hackers into putting their ideas into the rom hack. Pretty soon one of two things can happen:
1.The hack is so altered from the hackers original intent that he/she either decides to give up or goes along with it.
2. It results in the hacker Flaming the said people involved which doesn't help the situation any.
This generally the case in any pokemon hacking community. You get heavily ridiculed until you can't take it anymore. This is why pokemon hacking is no longer my priority anymore. I apologize for the Inconvience of this. I also Apologize for Necroposting but this had to be said.

For those of you who actually cared about the project I'm sorry about the inconvenience.  I do however enjoy making a good Sonic hack every now and then. But they aren't very good. Mostly just sprite and pallete edits because some of the hacking tools are unresponsive nowadays. (Example: Gerbilsoft rom hacking studio and Sonic Hacking wiz pro say they are missing files. SonMapED is confusing because it never tells how to save changes to the rom and how to even load a rom correctly. Sonik Sprite hasn't been updated for years but needs to be and there are no guides on how to add the missing sprites so I'm kind of stuck.) No offense to the people who make these tools. Without you, Sonic Hackers would be living in the Stone Age like Pokemon hackers are with  their hex editors. (Many ignore the tools and just go straight to the hex editor which should only be used to clean up any hex value misprints the tools make.)