Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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General Discussion

An accidental "Admins Suck" thread. - Page 5

Re: An accidental "Admins Suck" thread.

Posted by: PichuUmbreon
Date: 2007-12-31 16:45:34
That's because I can't lock the thread fast enough. XD

Re: An accidental "Admins Suck" thread.

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-12-31 19:36:13

And THIS is why I have a beef with GCL. TWELVE PAGES of nonsense, and it is not only allowed but encouraged by the moderator staff who should be doing something about it. If I was still an admin, I would have locked this thread a long time ago, but it wouldn't have mattered because half of the people posting here have mod powers!

I'm sorry to be hypocritical by adding to this mess of spam, but in a previous conversation Abwayax wanted a concrete example of what was wrong with GCL, and this is a perfect one. Nothing more needs to be said, really.


Guys, "party thread" means a laid back, fun topicless discussion, not spam your heart out.

Yes, I do have a problem with this much nonsense. The Inner Party/evil conspiracy stuff wasn't nonsense, it was fun, and that was what I had in mind when I said party thread. This, however, is just random strings of characters double, triple, quadruple posted for epic lulz. As Sonic the Hedgehog would say, that's no good.

I have my "concrete example" of what's wrong with "the system". Rest assured, it will be dealt with. There needs to be a clear distinction between "fun" like the inner party conspiracy discussion and "spam" such as what has been going on in here and in Topiclessness (which was closed, btw; I offered Sorreah the choice to reopen it but she didn't) There are rules against spam but they are being broken this way and that by the admins and mods, as well as the regular users.

Oh yeah, and this is also why you don't have postcounts anymore.