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Lucid Dreaming - Page 2

Re: Lucid Dreaming

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2008-09-18 19:29:26
hmm, I might give this a try.

Re: Lucid Dreaming

Posted by: glitchuntress
Date: 2008-09-19 15:46:45
I almost always know when my dreams are dreams but I don't try and control them since I haven't heard good thing from those who have (besides I wouldn't know what to dream of any ways ;)). Although, lately I haven't been able to tell when it's a dream. Like that one with the creepy mask people, that one really freaked me out and got me very angry by how annoying they were.

Though, there was one dream which I did know it was a dream. I keep falling asleep and waking up so I imagined/dreamed this story.

Unfortunately, I spent to much time trying out different scenarios so I didn't get to see the ending :'(. Although trying the scenarios were very weird. It was like, when I awake my mind told my imagination what was going on and what it wanted the character to do, then when I fell asleep I got to see what might happen if my character had choosing to do something different.

I got weird results like the main character threating this other guy's sweet heart to make him back to being good. (Because the evil people had turned him evil with some sort of drug or something).

Very strange but interesting.

Re: Lucid Dreaming

Posted by: Glitch Reasearcher
Date: 2008-09-21 12:28:44
from the site, I picked the WILD method, and it almost worked, 'cept for the part where I couldn't fall asleep. Well, I'll try it again tonight and see if I can get it to work.