Re: Black Hole Machine
Posted by: Newo
Date: 2008-09-10 11:14:31
There won't be a black hole to begin with. Besides, it can't suck in anything because of it's very small size.The scientists say that it could create a particle called a 'stranglet', basically what has infinite gravity and sucks everything in.
Besides, larger and more powerful collisions like what the LHC will make happen a lot in our OWN ATMOSPHERE.
That's not exactly right, no matter how small or big black holes are, they have infinite gravity. BUT! The one that they create (if it evens happens :P) will be so small that it will evaporate into itself… Sounds a little confusing, but yes the first thing it will suck up is itself
Not infinite, just a lot anything with an infinite amount of force would destroy the universe timelessly.
Anyway, a black hole only can suck in the same amount of matter that created it, (As matter counteracts antimatter) and considering that most black holes are caused by stars collapsing (usually stars about 3 times as dense as the Sun) and we are talking about an object that makes up an atom.
What about this for small:
Aproximate normal black hole: 6?10^30 kg
6000000000000000000000000000000 kg
Aproximate proton sized black hole: 2?10^−27 kg
0.000000000000000000000000002 kg
Size of bigger of a normal black hole than our one: 3x10^57 times
3,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 times
Also consider this, the force required to make a star collapse isn't availible in our solar system, let alone something as small as this experiment.
Also aren't Strangelets supposed to be just particles that contain incorrect quarks. The theroy is that if you had a lot they would be dangerous because then they would have to get rid of there strangeness but it would make both particles strange (which theoretically then may spread like radiation). They don't have infinite gravity. And they don't actually know they exist anyway.