Re: Swine Flu Pandemic
Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-05-02 10:19:18
Global Warming has got a lot to do. I was watching the news, and they were on abut the Sun, about it not being as it should due to this Global f**k up. Back long before this Global Warming started, there was no Bird Flu, no Swine Flu, everything was normal. Minus the terrorist attacks.
Global Warming only makes things || <– that much hotter. Saying Global Warming causes NATURAL VIRAL DNA MUTATIONS, that occured long before the media went crazy with the Global Warming crap (Swine Flu and Avian Flu have been around since the 1800s and probably before that), is just dumb.
Wasn't there a Swine Flu outbreak in the 70's or 50's?