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General Discussion

Swine Flu Pandemic - Page 2

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-05-02 10:19:18

Global Warming has got a lot to do. I was watching the news, and they were on abut the Sun, about it not being as it should due to this Global f**k up. Back long before this Global Warming started, there was no Bird Flu, no Swine Flu, everything was normal. Minus the terrorist attacks.

Global Warming only makes things || <– that much hotter.  Saying Global Warming causes NATURAL VIRAL DNA MUTATIONS, that occured long before the media went crazy with the Global Warming crap (Swine Flu and Avian Flu have been around since the 1800s and probably before that), is just dumb.

Wasn't there a Swine Flu outbreak in the 70's or 50's?

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-05-02 10:24:36

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-05-02 10:27:21


Good to know, most people I know from the 70's or 50's are still alive.

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2009-05-02 12:59:40
However, should this bug mutate, which most viruses do, into a more powerful bug, more and more people would die from it.
Although the people who have already had it sometimes develope an immunity because their immune system has faced it.
Problem is, I've heard from friends in America that their schools have been closed, lucky bastards. The chances of the swine flu spreading to Oman are near naught.

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-05-02 13:47:55

However, should this bug mutate, which most viruses do, into a more powerful bug, more and more people would die from it.
Although the people who have already had it sometimes develope an immunity because their immune system has faced it.
Problem is, I've heard from friends in America that their schools have been closed, lucky bastards. The chances of the swine flu spreading to Oman are near naught.

Just because that a school is closed doesn't mean that getting Swine Flu in the community is a good thing.

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2009-05-02 15:22:19

Swine flu is overblown, like every other thing the media reports. If people take proper precautions, there's little-to-no risk of catching it.

Exactly right. Wash your hands and don?t touch your eyes often and you?ll be fine.

Twenty thousand people die from the ?regular? flu every year. The swine flu is not anything special in that regard.

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: ultraVex
Date: 2009-05-02 23:06:33

The swine flu is not anything special

This statement is correct, as the swine flu appears to be only drastically affecting the populus in Spain and South America, and there have not been many major mortalities in the US as of now. Also, many people who have caught it have survived, lowering the threat even further. So the only bad thing that can happen now is if it mutates or starts spreading like crazy.

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-05-03 00:06:46

The swine flu is not anything special

This statement is correct, as the swine flu appears to be only drastically affecting the populus in Spain and South America, and there have not been many major mortalities in the US as of now. Also, many people who have caught it have survived, lowering the threat even further. So the only bad thing that can happen now is if it mutates or starts spreading like crazy.

Everyone thinks that if a virus is rare, that it will become deadly fast.

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: Wild GHOST
Date: 2009-05-04 04:56:59
First of all: a cure for Swine Flu. Jump to around the 3:00 mark if you don't have time to watch the full video. I can't claim credit for finding this; a friend linked it to me on IRC a few days ago.

Secondly: The proper name is H1N1, not Swine Flu

Re: Swine Flu Pandemic

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2009-05-05 15:06:08
Part of the reason people are so concerned is the 1918-1920 "Spanish flu" (a strain of H1N1) epidemic killed 50-100 million people - nearly one third of the population of the United States. Today we have much better medical care and quarantine procedures, allowing us to control any emerging flu epidemic. The deaths in Mexico have been attributed to poor healthcare and containment. Hospitals are being clogged with anxious patients who think that they have swine flu. I got sick on Thursday, but since I wasn't too worried about swine flu, I didn't panic like the rest of the world and head for the emergency room. I only have a cold. I don't consider this a major threat to the world.