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Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose? - Page 2

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-07-13 10:55:36

I agree with you there Mugendai. I grew up with both the SNES and Genesis simultaneously. As a result, my background culture taste in video games is mixed. I do enjoy the SPC on the Super Nintendo. In fact I ripped the whole soundtrack of Super Godzilla because people wanted it so badly. It came out very nice too. The Sound emulation is nearly perfect.

The YM2612 chip wasn't actually anymore superior or inferior to the SNES IMO. It just uses a different hardware than the SNES. It does have trouble with voices as they come out muffled but it still is a very good soundchip. The Genesis was meant to not only be backwards compatible with the Master System but it was also meant to mimic Sega-16 Arcade Hardware. the only bad part is that most ports of the Sega- 16 Arcade games were inaccurate or poorly made compared to their arcade version. In the early days of the Genesis, third party companies like Capcom kept the Genesis alive.

Muffled?  Ever play YOU'LL HAVE A BALL v2.0?

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-07-13 11:15:27
This is just a random fact that many hardcore Nintendo fans probably know already but, the SONY Playstation was originally Nintendo's idea. They were working on it with SONY until they backed out of the deal. SONY refused to let them and vowed to stop selling them their soundchips for their games. However it was ruled that this couldn't be done. So, out of an act of revenge, they dismantled the SONY-Nintendo Playstation and put it back together as the SONY Playstation.  Inadvertantly, Sega was caught in the midst of this Revenge plot and ended up becoming SONY's victim rather than Nintendo. Sega was already weak as it was. They were only starting to recover from the Massive loss of Sales that the Sega Master System lost them back in the day. This caused Sega to panic and release two 32 bit systems too quickly. First there was the Genesis 32X (Not really a system but an Add-On for the Genesis) which was rushed heavily. It never got to use its full graphics potential as it was short lived and many games in production for it were canned.  (Including Virtua Hamster which is about to be released by X-Cult really soon.)
Some other games, such as Doom 32X were released incomplete to meet the Holiday season. (Over half the levels from the original game are missing.)
The other 32-bit system is the Sega Saturn. The Saturn never caught on in North America. This was primarily because the SONY Playstation was taking the US by storm with its superior graphics. (Depsite the fact the Saturn was a 32-bit system, the polygon graphics were heavily grainy and pixelated.) The Saturn didn't even do well in the PAL region where before the Genesis (Mega Drive there) and the Master System had a hold on the market and Nintendo couldn't get a lot of leeway.

Surprisingly though, the Saturn mangaed to give Sega a comeback in Japan. Before the Saturn, Sega had almost no ground in Japan. Now however (especially with the release of Sonic Jam.) they managed to become better known in Japan. This helped them survive until the early 128-bit era. They released the Dreamcast. The Dreamcast had a hold on the Market in the US and was praised for being one of the first systems with online capabilities. (Yep, it had it before the XBOX 360, Wii, and PS3) However, when SONY Released the Playstation 2, things went downhill for Sega. The Dreamcast was actually only a 64-bit system, this is the reason why it was killed by the Playstation 2. The Sega Dreamcast also failed because (As I've heard.) the Dreamcast broke easily and the US Repair shop closed down which contributed to the mess. The biggest thing that killed Sega Though was the Genesis 32X. The failure to make it good caused many people to lose faith in Sega's credibility. That is why Sega no longer exists as a console making industry. They had a system already in the works that was 128-bit called the Blazengi, which used scrapped Samba de Amigo software, but it was canned when Sega went third party.

Its kind of sad in a way that SONY's revenge plot against Nintendo ultimately lead to Sega's demise as a console making industry….

Oh and actually I haven't played that game GARY. Actually I made a mistake when I said "Muffled"  The Game Dynamite Headdy's voices are anything but muffled. Maybe I was thinking of another word. Like, I guess lower in quality compared to the SNES' voices. It could actually have more voices on a game than the SNES could and more levels.

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-09-01 19:43:46

Now the Super Nintendo was know to be graphically and audibly superior to the Genesis. The system however suffered from severe slowdown at some points and had an issue where only a certain amount of data could be stored on a cartridge despite the Cartridge's file size being bigger than the Genesis' (which was in a heavily compressed format which allowed Genesis Ports of some multi-platform games to have more levels and voice sound effects than the SNES.)

However, the Genesis had some inside Technical working that enabled it to run at high framerates with hardly any slowdown. It also had an assortment of other "internal goodies" as well. It was however lacking in sound quality (Despite this some composers such a Yuzo Koshiro, were able to pull off some amazing soundtracks) and had issues with color palletes in some games due to limitations.

No, both carts are the same size. (SEGA just never implemented 8MB Carts do to them not knowing it could be possible (No, no bankswitching is used in an 8MB cart on the Genesis)


Sega Genesis = 8MB

As for color, there's programming tricks that can be pulled off that allow for the Genesis VDP to give 128 colors instead of 64.  Though with the 32x, 32,768 colors can be on screen at the same time and then the Sega CD's 12.5KHz Motorolla 68000 can be used to run code while the Genesis's 7.52MHz (?) Processor can be used to run the music of all 24 sound channels and the two RISC processors in the 32x run graphics and matrixing.  The Z80 can be used to… read the controllers and transfer the data they give. :P

Let's not forget with the Sega MEGANET attachment we can connect and netplay on the internet (in theory) and we can extend RAM by using the 32x and inserting a RAM cart while the main game is run off the SegaCD.

Also, I'd love to see a Super Nintendo do this: (Watch the first video)

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-09-01 19:54:45
Technical specifications are nice to throw around willy-nilly, yes, but what can the consoles actually do with them? Because I'm pretty sure the only good game for the Megadrive is Zero Wing. SNES on the other hand has Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, A Link to the Past, Super Mario World, F-Zero, just to name a few.

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-09-01 21:47:36
I just love the Super Nintendo. It has so many great games.

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-09-15 23:04:34
Before some of you Nintendo Fanboys start to harp about the Genesis' sound quality you'd better look at this. (Note this is a soundboard II mix and not an actualy Mega DRive Sound chip mix. However they are almost identical in terms of how they sound for the most part. The only difference with this version is the CD Quality audio since its part of the official OST:

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-09-16 19:02:44

Before some of you Nintendo Fanboys start to harp about the Genesis' sound quality you'd better look at this. (Note this is a soundboard II mix and not an actualy Mega DRive Sound chip mix. However they are almost identical in terms of how they sound for the most part. The only difference with this version is the CD Quality audio since its part of the official OST:

NEVER EVER cite one source. 3 is good. For example:

If I were to say that x^2 = x, and just cite 0 and 1, I would not be putting up a strong argument.

If I were to say that cloning is bad (I almost spelled it cloan), I would say:

Human cloning is bad:
  1. The clone could not live up to parent's expectations
  2. The clone is not their child, so they could be harsh to it.
  3. It is still very theoretical and dangerous.

There is a decent argument. You may also want to state the other side as well. I know, it may not seem good, but it makes you look intelligent.

(I know, my argument is very concise for the sake of explanation.)

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-09-16 19:38:23

Before some of you Nintendo Fanboys start to harp about the Genesis' sound quality you'd better look at this. (Note this is a soundboard II mix and not an actualy Mega DRive Sound chip mix. However they are almost identical in terms of how they sound for the most part. The only difference with this version is the CD Quality audio since its part of the official OST:

NEVER EVER cite one source. 3 is good. For example:

If I were to say that x^2 = x, and just cite 0 and 1, I would not be putting up a strong argument.

If I were to say that cloning is bad (I almost spelled it cloan), I would say:

Human cloning is bad:
  1. The clone could not live up to parent's expectations
  2. The clone is not their child, so they could be harsh to it.
  3. It is still very theoretical and dangerous.

There is a decent argument. You may also want to state the other side as well. I know, it may not seem good, but it makes you look intelligent.

(I know, my argument is very concise for the sake of explanation.)

I'd like to make a debate point that is only based on one source and the debate topic is listed below: doesn't exist.

Yes it does.


Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-09-16 20:22:56

Before some of you Nintendo Fanboys start to harp about the Genesis' sound quality you'd better look at this. (Note this is a soundboard II mix and not an actualy Mega DRive Sound chip mix. However they are almost identical in terms of how they sound for the most part. The only difference with this version is the CD Quality audio since its part of the official OST:

NEVER EVER cite one source. 3 is good. For example:

If I were to say that x^2 = x, and just cite 0 and 1, I would not be putting up a strong argument.

If I were to say that cloning is bad (I almost spelled it cloan), I would say:

Human cloning is bad:
  1. The clone could not live up to parent's expectations
  2. The clone is not their child, so they could be harsh to it.
  3. It is still very theoretical and dangerous.

There is a decent argument. You may also want to state the other side as well. I know, it may not seem good, but it makes you look intelligent.

(I know, my argument is very concise for the sake of explanation.)

I'd like to make a debate point that is only based on one source and the debate topic is listed below: doesn't exist.

Yes it does.


I should take that back and say OPINIONATED point.

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-09-16 20:39:26

Before some of you Nintendo Fanboys start to harp about the Genesis' sound quality you'd better look at this. (Note this is a soundboard II mix and not an actualy Mega DRive Sound chip mix. However they are almost identical in terms of how they sound for the most part. The only difference with this version is the CD Quality audio since its part of the official OST:

So you're in theory trying to show us an example of the Genesis's sound quality, and then you give us something which you admit is not the Genesis?

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-09-23 20:07:56

Before some of you Nintendo Fanboys start to harp about the Genesis' sound quality you'd better look at this. (Note this is a soundboard II mix and not an actualy Mega DRive Sound chip mix. However they are almost identical in terms of how they sound for the most part. The only difference with this version is the CD Quality audio since its part of the official OST:

So you're in theory trying to show us an example of the Genesis's sound quality, and then you give us something which you admit is not the Genesis?

It was made using Sound Board II as it is from the official Streets of Rage Soundtrack. however it is almost identical to the way the Genesis version of music sounds minus the voice effects being slightly enhanced and the fact that it is CD Quality. However, the youtube video in low quality sounds just like the Genesis version of the music. I'll rip a version of the way it sounds on the Genesis and upload it somewhere if you aren't convinced still. Actually you know what. I'll do it anyway because I can!

Edit: Here you go! ^_^

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: Kyoukipichi
Date: 2009-10-03 13:03:11

Technical specifications are nice to throw around willy-nilly, yes, but what can the consoles actually do with them? Because I'm pretty sure the only good game for the Megadrive is Zero Wing.

The Genesis/Mega Drive also has Sonic 3 and Phantasy Star IV, which I thought were good.

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-10-03 13:24:56

Technical specifications are nice to throw around willy-nilly, yes, but what can the consoles actually do with them? Because I'm pretty sure the only good game for the Megadrive is Zero Wing.

The Genesis/Mega Drive also has Sonic 3 and Phantasy Star IV, which I thought were good.

Rocket Knight's good, too.

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-10-03 13:34:09
Well, I was only 3 when the release of Sonic the Hedgehog Sega Master System II over here, and that was my first game, then Sonic the Hedgehog 2 came out, a while later, but when I was about 9, my brother had a NES, and the only game we had was Super Mario Bros 3, since the NES was highly old and we couldn't get any other NES games back then, then the SNES came out with Mortal Kombat Trilogy, Street Fighter II: The World Warrior, Street Fighter II: Turbo Edition, Super Mario World, Mario All Stars, and some other awesome games in my younger years, and we did have an Japanese version (I think it was) of a Mega Drive, and we had Mortal Kombat, and other games. I'm not taking sides, but I am a fan of both Sega, Nintendo. I grew up with Sega, but loved both Sonic and the Mario games when I was a kid. I do like other things, like Xbox, Play Station, but again I'm not a "fan girl" on one company/console like most are, but it's how I am. I've played a lot of good games over the years, but half of the names for the Master System, I don't remember, but I remember some, like Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2, Ninja (The one I used to play was difference, with the difference colored scrolls), Gangster Town, Rescue Mission, but the SNES, had one awesome game, my brother and I used to play was called, Zombies: Ate My Neighbors and I fucking loved that game as I thought it was funny with the little fuckers coming from cereal boxes with axes in a shopping mall it was great. There was another game on the Mega Drive, I don't remember the name but something about it well certain parts of it used to spook me shitless. Even now after all these years, (yes I still own 2 Dreamcasts), I was able to get a SNES and a Mega Drive II. There's a shop I know that sells old games/consoles, and I was able to get a few old games from there, but yeah I grew up around Sonic, then around with Mario, (Even I used to be up every morning watching the old cartoons, of Sonic and Mario), but there has been some awesome games on the Mega Drive and the SNES.

Re: Sega Genesis/Mega Drive or Super Nintendo? Which one would you choose?

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-11-08 19:47:55
I think this video should solve all the Sound Quality of voices/music and graphical features of Genesis/MegaDrive vs. the SNES.

(the 32x is an addon to the Genesis/MegaDrive but is still considered part of the Genesis)