Posted by: Bert
Date: 2014-08-28 19:14:18
"I'm not sure if there's anything we can do, I tell ya whaht."
Freddy's bottom jaw unhinged itself from the top jaw and hit the floor. Dunsparce and Hank jumped back at this shocking display.
"One of us has gotta do something!" Dunsparce said. "I'm going in!"
But right before the snake could move, Meganium issued pages and pages and pages of data from his mouth, making a noise that sounded like a gurgled roar, almost demonic in nature. He stood perfectly still while vomiting the pages. Eventually, the room was flooded with them and the trio's heads were just inches away from the ceiling. That's when Freddy stopped barfing.
"Well, this is bad," Hank said.
"You're telling me," Dunsparce replied.
What happens next?
Bag filled with P$1,337
Machine gun in Dunsparce's stomach