Re: Glitch Power is Back... or is it? You decide.
Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-04-28 17:40:52
Unless glitch power WAS originally karma.
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Wow. GARY re-enables a feature of the site that I've always enjoyed and Abwayax shuts it back down on the same day.
<@Zander_Saffron> Oh and I had karma disabled for a reason
Didn't everyone spam the comments? And I mean EVERYONE.
If any drama should be caused by this (again), it will be gone permanetly (or until I feel like doing it again which will be probably about 5 years after) so please think twice before complaining about how your glitch power is in the area you don't want it to be at and then get pissy about it, etc.
Wow. GARY re-enables a feature of the site that I've always enjoyed and Abwayax shuts it back down on the same day.
Yeah, I'm a total prick, aren't I?
Didn't everyone spam the comments? And I mean EVERYONE.
…yeah, and it was removed. And people got riled up about glitch power sometime in the past.
Which is why it was removed.
I don't see where you're going with this.
I say it has everything to do with both things you just said Flashy. The fact is if drama over this feature happened once then its going to happen again. We have too many immature members who are going to fool around with it a lot (i.e. me) They won't be able to control themselves and things will get out of hand. I think it is a very wise decision to keep the feature disabled.