Re: Stupid naïve kids...
Posted by: glitchuntress
Date: 2008-02-01 21:27:20
But this was the first time I had heard of Glitch City so I believed him ^_^'.
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Some kid told me that if u throw 100 fresh waters into the water in cycling road in R/B/Y it will overflow and you will teleported to a kingdra.
Reaction= O_o
I just remembered that once that some one on the web said that hidden in Glitch City is a nineth gym whoes gym leader is missingno. and he uses a mewthree.
But this was the first time I had heard of Glitch City so I believed him ^_^'.
I just remembered that once that some one on the web said that hidden in Glitch City is a nineth gym whoes gym leader is missingno. and he uses a mewthree.
But this was the first time I had heard of Glitch City so I believed him ^_^'.
Attack: 333
Defense: 333
Speed: 444
Special: 666
Dream Eater
Yep, you're f**ked.
I just remembered that once that some one on the web said that hidden in Glitch City is a nineth gym whoes gym leader is missingno. and he uses a mewthree.
But this was the first time I had heard of Glitch City so I believed him ^_^'.
Attack: 333
Defense: 333
Speed: 444
Special: 666
Dream Eater
Yep, you're f**ked.
I just remembered that once that some one on the web said that hidden in Glitch City is a nineth gym whoes gym leader is missingno. and he uses a mewthree.
But this was the first time I had heard of Glitch City so I believed him ^_^'.
Attack: 333
Defense: 333
Speed: 444
Special: 666
Dream Eater
Yep, you're f**ked.
Oh my God. "Mewthree" is Satanic. Wow.
My brothers and I call them "idiots in PkMn". They're the kind of dudes that…well…you know…are…like…well…
I can't put it into good wording, but dudes that don't know much about PkMn and think they do. ..