Obtaining event-exclusives through Mystery Gift via Wi-Fi
Posted by: Pokedude
Date: 2018-01-03 14:28:50
Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.
You can join Glitch City Research Institute to ask questions or discuss current developments.
You may also download the archive of this forum in .tar.gz, .sql.gz, or .sqlite.gz formats.
By the way Happy New Year to all the Glitch City Labs Community
(hmm except for RNG manipulation)
I remember that luckytyphlosion was talking about how both Generation II and V support infrared. In theory an exploit from that could follow through similar to the GTS spoofing exploits that once worked without Action Replay prior to the shutdown of the GTS
In fact, I have yet to see a major or otherwise notable glitch from the generation.
is cloning not considered cheating by most?
can you clone Events?