Re: R/B/Y HoF
Posted by: MissingNO. #1 Master
Date: 2008-10-09 03:01:27
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Say… How did you repeatedly encounter MissingNO. WITHOUT the game crashing?
Say… How did you repeatedly encounter MissingNO. WITHOUT the game crashing?
Also, what is that half-purple screen thing? Sort of looks like X_x.
What code did you use?
You can actually change it by doing a lot of stuff, actually.
You can also change the Hall of Fame entries by simply looking at a glitch pokemon's stats.
This thread's been open since Sept 11, and not a single "ZOMG I GOTS MEW IN MY HOF OMG A OMEN"? Impressive.
I've got a glitched Hof in my research doc:
edit: I should look harder next timeThen a completely normal (besides being lv 255) mew.
Not quote "OMG A MIRCLE", though…
lol it took my mew out of HoF rofl. My favorite hof glitch is it showed a Freaking Togepi
Togepi is not in R/B/Y in any way, shape, or form so it cannot be in your hall of fame. (It might have been some other glitch that you say by paradolia as a togepi)