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Generation I Glitch Discussion

New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber) - Page 2

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Hate92
Date: 2019-03-20 04:24:04
Thanks for the replies! i am not an expert, then i'm unable to answer in tone.

BUT….. i invited Dio del Metal in this forum, i hope that it reply here. I wouldn't be able to, I repeat  :)

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2019-03-20 12:07:34
Watching more carefully and given his reaction to comments (basically loving all of them) and the absurd name he gives to the glitches he claims to use ("NPC Manipulation Drop lv.80", "Card Key Temporaney Arbitrary Down Arrow Manipulation Glitch", "Specials Dex List Manipulation 77-5-99-99-2-1 Glitch") I'm pretty convinced I was right earlier and this is an early april's fool.

It's somehow really similar to the absurd "catch regigigas and victini through void glitch" process that we made for PRAMA last april  ;D

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-03-23 16:31:00
So, I said I'd take back what I said if this rumor actually gained a serious following, doubting that it ever could. What I didn't realize (based on auto-translating the comments) was that Dio del Metal seems to lead a self-contained group of monolingual Italian-speaking glitchers who seem to be unanimously taking it as fact. It's not too many people if you're just counting, but it does seem to essentially be the whole Italian glitch fandom. I'm not really okay with that.

Where does this leave us? Either hoping it's an April Fool's trick (to be revealed, presumably, on April Fool's day), or in need of an Italian speaker to contact Dio directly to ask him what exactly he plans on doing with this video. Looking for opinions. Did you ever hear back from him, Hate92?

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2019-03-24 16:50:11
If necessary, I can discuss with him, send a message in italian on our behalf.

It's hard to evaluate the weight that Dio del Metal has on the Italian glitch community. I don't know any Pokémon glitch board in Italian…

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-03-25 23:19:22

It's hard to evaluate the weight that Dio del Metal has on the Italian glitch community. I don't know any Pokémon glitch board in Italian…
Nor do I. YouTube channels often become communities of their own, though, as his seems to have done.

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-03-26 06:59:15
I am still firmly against leaving this be.

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: DittoGlitch
Date: 2019-03-27 10:33:44
i know diodelMetal quite good  but i think this is quite fake since (i 'm italia, i understand the video) he says a lot during video " this is an hard glitch to emulate i wont explin" so many times . I cant say that is totally fake, since he's the only italian who knows all the glitch of old gen of Pokèmon, but seems strange and he cant explain what he does all the times like an excuse because probaly this Leyxardon it's something made up very well

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-03-27 14:47:29
I am very positive that this is fake, and the modification is extremely basic - you can do that ultra easily using the disassemblies. If it was on hardware, I'd at least give him props for that, but he's using an emulator. Almost zero effort.

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Parzival
Date: 2019-03-27 22:25:24
i'd give him a tiny bit of credit for coming up with fake glitch names but that's just me

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-03-28 04:39:28
Seeing how he responded here, I think this is getting out of hand.

To Krys3000, Hate92, DittoGlitch, et cetera, how does this sound?

Ma puoi provarlo? Comprendiamo il codice molto bene. Dov'è lo sprite nello disassembly? Da quale posizione prende il nome? Attualmente, ogni fan italiano del glitch crede a qualsiasi cosa tu dica. Cosa vuoi fare con quel potere?

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Krys3000
Date: 2019-03-28 12:49:17
Way understandable although not entirely correct. You should probably use "Capiamo" instead of "Comprendiamo". Since disassembly is an english word, it is more accurate to say "nel disassembly". Also, if glitch is meant to be plural here, you should use "dei" instead of "del".

If you want to ask a more elaborate thing, I can translate and relay an english text :)

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2019-03-28 16:42:07
I posted it, and changed it according to your suggestions. Thanks.

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-03-30 08:56:09
That won't do anything as he said, this doesn't affect him, he's got what he's looking for: fame and clicks. That some people won't click because they think it's a fake can't bother him less.

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: RashFaustinho
Date: 2019-05-10 02:46:37

Well, turns out that another Italian youtuber, called "Cydonia", clarified this whole situation

To the ones who were so bothered by the chance of a fake rumor spreading, rest assured, his channel is fairly big (in Italy) and in this video, after explaining the procedure of the supposed glitch, he explains why it's fake.

He thanks you guys, referincing GlitchCity Labotariories for the technical support and the explanations that you've given to him.

He does not despise what Dio del Metal did, because he thought that creating fakemons nowdays would be impossible, and he has proven him wrong!
It was  fun experiencing something similar to the "Pokegods", even if for a little while (like Sherkel said)

He ends the video by saying that, while he may have uncovered the truth and explained why the whole thing was fake, he also "broke the magic" surrounding this mistery, and asks his viewers what they think about that.

Personal take on the matter:

Having seen so many gen 1 and 2 glitches during the course of the years, and being subbed to various Pokemon glitch channels (ZZAZZ, Chickasaurus, Crystal, etc.) the thing immediately sounded strange to me, so understanding that the whole video wasn't real was quite easy…

However, I doubt that this "trick" had the potential to become famous, or to even spread at all outside from his niche community in the first place

Every user, even ones completly ignorant in Gen 1 glitching, can found out that this thing is fake by just looking at Bulbapedia's index number.
Gen 1 and 2 games have been torn apart to such an atomic level, that nowdays finding any kind of new secret looks just impossible. (That's also why the foucs is heavily shifting towards the betas)

So, I wouldn't take Dio del Metal's video so seriously. To me, it looked more like a fun demonstration of how fiction and reality can be mixed up, rather than everything else.

Re: New discovery from Dio del Metal (Italian Youtuber)

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-05-10 11:13:17
While I agree with the point Cydonia made (and believe me, I wasn't expecting it at all), I still think there's a tort from presenting the video as not fake and being quite clickbait-y (there's a moment when a wall of text semi-aggressively prompts viewers to share the video).
There was some effort put into the fake, but not much.

About the "people could just have checked on bulbapedia" thing: how many "ignorant" people would have known to check there? How many people, ignorant or not, would have bothered to check in the first place? Heck, personally I didn't notice the index number was wrong when I watched the video, and Cydonia only ticked off because they had spent a good chunk of time with those numbers recently (that's what they state in their video)

Overall, I agree with Cydonia; it's a nice modern urban legend that I like when considered as such, and Dio Del Metal should really come forth about it–I don't believe there'd be backlash if he's honest–, and as for "breaking the magic",