Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch
Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-27 11:53:27
I just have a few comments though. Can you type in your code as opcodes, like AF F6 D6… (with sample junk code or optional code if necessary just so it runs on to the next box) please? You have "*"s in your code. I don't know what these mean. Some of these names aren't 8 characters long but you could probably fill the rest with junk code.
Additionally, I'm confused with what you do; I know that you set 'a' to $d7 (as part of fcd7) with or, and to $5e with sub (as part of fb5e) but how are you getting the game to put a into the addresses you show? I would have thought that you'd have to store these values in l first to use ld (hl),a but that opcode is a N/A.
Big thanks to the people that made the current coin case route so I'd have a sense of what I was doing, Sanqui for this awesome pastebin here so I could easily convert characters to opcodes, Hacky for giving me the address for the Red Flag, this so I could figure out each address in Gold, and I could get an idea of what addresses in the Gold Coin Case Route would I need to change for crystal, and the Pokemon Crystal Disassembly
Plus (though not exactly related to the execution) if it wasn't for Hacky for actually finding the balls pocket corruption method, or Paco81 for finding the duplicate key items glitch in the first place this wouldn't be possible. And maybe I deserve a bit of credit for discovering that TMs can execute code from RAM and how to get a glitch Pokédex mode. *shot*