Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch
Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-12-29 14:28:04
You can simply buy 9 Flower Mails to get your item x9. Flower mails are really cheap, so the tm31s will cover for it.
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; BOX 4
; db90 - db98
; p 0 'v 0 't é ) 5
af xor a
f6 d6 or $d6
f6 d5 or $d5; get $d7
ea 9b fb ld $fb9b,a
; BOX 5
; db99 - dba1
; p é é* 6 'v c
af xor a
ea (d7) fc ld $fc(d7),a ; 0 pkmn in party
; (d7) number above changed to d7
d6 a2 sub $a2 ; get $5e
; BOX 6
; dba2 - dbaa
; é h 5 p é é* 5
ea a7 fb ld $fba7,a ; load letter into later box letter
af xor a
ea (5e) fb ld $fb(5e),a ; make red appear
; (5e) number above changed to 5e
; BOX 7
; 'v 7 é m 6 é n 6
d6 fd sub $fd ; get $03
ea ac fc ld $fcac,a ; change lastmap index to $03
ea ad fc ld $fcad,a ; change lastmap group to $03
; BOX 8
; 'v x é o 6 x 'd
d6 b7 sub $b7 ; get $4c
ea b6 fc ld $fcae,a ; change lastmap to silver cave
b7 or a ; unset carry flag
d0 ret nc
BOX 4 (8 chars)
db90 - db98
p 'v c é [ 5 'v H
af xor a
d6 a2 sub $a2 ; get $5e
ea 9e fb ld $fb9e, a ; box name char
d6 87 sub $87 ; get $d7
BOX 5 (7 chars)
db99 - dba1
é d 5 p é é* 5
ea a3 fb ld $fba3, a ; box name char
af xor a
ea (5e) fb ld $fb(5e), a ; make red appear
BOX 6 (8 chars)
dba2 - dbaa
é é* 6 'v 7 é m 6
ea (d7) fc ld $fc(d7), a ; party pokemon = 0
d6 fd sub $fd; get $03
ea ac fc ld $fcac, a ; change lastmap index
BOX 7 (8 chars)
é n 6 'v x é o 6
ea ad fc ld $fcad,a ; change lastmap group to $03
d6 b7 sub $b7 ; get $4c
ea ae fc ld $fcae,a ; change lastmap to silver cave
BOX 8 (2 chars)
a 'd
a0 and b ; unset cf
d0 ret nc ; ret