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Generation II Glitch Discussion

Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch - Page 3

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-27 17:03:25

So I actually managed to get a bad clone, by using bgb's access breakpoint, and resetting when de (probably copydata) was at the sRam portion where the box data is. So hypothetically, getting a bad clone is possible (phew).

Basically, you need to deposit 5 Pokémon and bad clone to get the best chance of getting a bad clone.


Does Bizhawk have frame advance?
Edit: Never mind, found it.

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-12-27 17:38:52
So I tried Hacky's method to get an itemfinder. I got my Itemfinder in the end, but the method hacky used was slightly different from what happened to me. One of them got a Max Potion instead, which is the equivalent of Cut (my crocs had cut as its second move), but I don't know which Croc it was. I'll see if I can find a workaround for this.

EDIT: I think I need to not nickname Totodile, so then the 50 doesn't disappear and it doesn't cause a softlock.
EDIT2: Found a workaround for the Max Potion thing. After putting the Bad Clone in the daycare for a second time, deposit the first croc in your party into a box without the clones (to avoid extra text boxes). Log Off the PC, open your party and swap Water Gun into the second position. Then, Deposit everything until you can't deposit anymore (do not deposit the last two pokemon in the party). Check which crocs have an Itemfinder, and withdraw those. Then proceed as normal to underflow key items.

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-12-27 19:05:34
Continuing on to underflow key items pocket.

I found another method to underflow/overflow Balls pocket. Make sure your Pokedex Mode is on A-Z mode before doing this.

I'm stopping for now, since I encountered a problem in which I can't toss a master ball in the balls item pocket with 0 quantity. Once I solve this issue I'll continue writing down steps.

(warning: short sentences incoming, because I'm going to convert this to jot notes later)

Before swapping the itemfinders, buy 54 Poké Balls and 1 Great Ball. Swap the second and third itemfinder,
to create a coin case. In the Balls pocket, the 54 Poké Balls and the 1 Great Ball will have turned into a Coin Case and 255 master balls. Swap the Coin Case and Master Balls. Close the item menu, log on to the PC and deposit the Coin Case in the Key Item Pocket. Deposit some items with quantities too, for swapping. Swap the two itemfinders. The Balls Pocket now has 255 Items. Log onto the PC and Deposit the itemfinder. Log off the PC. From the top of the Balls pocket, press down once and use select. Scroll down until you see a Coin Case, and swap it with the Coin Case. Then, select any tossable item, and swap it with a Master Ball x0 near a Master Ball x2.

EDIT: It occurred to me that I can simply use a jump relative to get to box names using TM21 ACE (much easier than pokedex ACE because of the weird tossing mechanics). This will make routing much easier, but I'm starting routing tomorrow.
EDIT2: nvm, numbers above 127 are treated as a negative number.

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-28 06:35:49
Finally did the Celebi trick. I needed to after all this time with other glitches. It's pretty simple when I think about it. You remove the FF terminator from after your list of party Pokémon byte 1 addresses DCD8-DCDD, and then use the box depositing to byte shift data up four times; hence move 3 becoming the species and move 4 becoming the item. If you only deposited one time then you could get move 1 into the held item. (I put the bad clone at the bottom of the party and deposited Pokémon 1; which was moved to that position with move w/o mail, and a Sneasel was in the second position and had its bytes shifted).

Edit: With this run, you may be able to do something like this -

1) Prepare a Water Gun Pokémon and Swift Pokémon. Water Gun must be move 1, Swift must be move 2.
2) Use move w/o mail to put ????? at the top of the party.
3) Put your Water Gun and Swift Pokémon in the second and third position. Put ????? at the bottom.
4) Deposit three times, and you should have this in the box:


I hacked in Pound as one of the moves for both Sneasel while testing, so ignore that.

The original moves were: Sneasel 1 - Water Gun, Pound, Beat Up, Slash. Sneasel 2 - Pound, Swift, Beat Up, Slash.

From there you can just clone those Pokémon.

You can withdraw these Sneasel (here in the fifth and sixth position):


Edit: Oh, you may need to give Sneasel 1 any hold item 1-251 so it doesn't become a hybrid with 000? I don't know if it being a Sneasel/00 hybrid would mess up the cloning.
Edit 2: Tried cloning with a Sneasel/00 hybrid and it let me clone it, so that doesn't matter.

Edit 3: Didn't notice that you and Hacky found a method without getting 25 key items.

I'm stopping for now, since I encountered a problem in which I can't toss a master ball in the balls item pocket with 0 quantity. Once I solve this issue I'll continue writing down steps.

Yes, apparently you can't toss any item with 0 quantity in Crystal. It stays at 0.

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-12-28 13:15:41
I've found that the best method to jump to Box names is to have a quantity that represents a jump, and then use a dragon fang with 0 quantity in the bottom of your inventory to represent the address $FB90. This would jump to the end of Box 3 (or somewhere close to it) start of Box 4. You'd need to modify the box names slightly since the addresses are shifted, though.

EDIT: Since the computer I'm using doesn't have BGB, I may as well type out every single address for box names, since it's much  "easier" to write instructions with box names. Here goes:

Box 1
1st Letter - $DB75
2nd Letter - $DB76
3rd Letter - $DB77
4rd Letter - $DB78
5th Letter - $DB79
6th Letter - $DB7A
7th Letter - $DB7B
8th Letter - $DB7C
$50 Letter - $DB7D

Box 2
1st Letter - $DB7E
2nd Letter - $DB7F
3rd Letter - $DB80
4th Letter - $DB81
5th Letter - $DB82
6th Letter - $DB83
7th Letter - $DB84
8th Letter - $DB85
$50 Letter - $DB86

Box 3
1st Letter - $DB87
2nd Letter - $DB88
3rd Letter - $DB89
4th Letter - $DB8A
5th Letter - $DB8B
6th Letter - $DB8C
7th Letter - $DB8D
8th Letter - $DB8E
$50 - $DB8F

Box 4
1st Letter - $DB90
2nd Letter - $DB91
3rd Letter - $DB92
4th Letter - $DB93
5th Letter - $DB94
6th Letter - $DB95
7th Letter - $DB96
8th Letter - $DB97
$50 Letter- $DB98

Box 5
1st Letter - $DB99
2nd Letter - $DB9A
3rd Letter - $DB9B
4th Letter - $DB9C
5th Letter - $DB9D
6th Letter - $DB9E
7th Letter - $DB9F
8th Letter - $DBA0
$50 Letter - $DBA1

Box 6
1st Letter - $DBA2
2nd Letter - $DBA3
3rd Letter - $DBA4
4th Letter - $DBA5
5th Letter - $DBA6
6th Letter - $DBA7
7th Letter - $DBA8
8th Letter - $DBA9
$50 Letter - $DBAA

Box 7
1st Letter - $DBAB
2nd Letter - $DBAC
3rd Letter - $DBAD
4th Letter - $DBAE
5th Letter - $DBAF
6th Letter - $DBB0
7th Letter - $DBB1
8th Letter - $DBB2
$50 Letter - $DBB3

Box 8
1st Letter - $DBB4
2nd Letter - $DBB5
3rd Letter - $DBB6
4th Letter - $DBB7
5th Letter - $DBB8
6th Letter - $DBB9
7th Letter - $DBBA
8th Letter - $DBBB
$50 Letter - $DBBC

Box 9
1st Letter - $DBBD
2nd Letter - $DBBE
3rd Letter - $DBBF
4th Letter - $DBC0
5th Letter - $DBC1
6th Letter - $DBC2
7th Letter - $DBC3
8th Letter - $DBC4
$50 Letter - $DBC5

Box 10
1st Letter - $DBC6
2nd Letter - $DBC7
3rd Letter - $DBC8
4th Letter - $DBC9
5th Letter - $DBCA
6th Letter - $DBCB
7th Letter - $DBCC
8th Letter - $DBCD
$50 Letter - $DBCE

Box 11
1st Letter - $DBCF
2nd Letter - $DBD0
3rd Letter - $DBD1
4th Letter - $DBD2
5th Letter - $DBD3
6th Letter - $DBD4
7th Letter - $DBD5
8th Letter - $DBD6
$50 Letter - $DBD7

Box 12
1st Letter - $DBD8
2nd Letter - $DBD9
3rd Letter - $DBDA
4th Letter - $DBDB
5th Letter - $DBDC
6th Letter - $DBDD
7th Letter - $DBDE
8th Letter - $DBDF
$50 Letter - $DBE0

Box 13
1st Letter - $DBE1
2nd Letter - $DBE2
3rd Letter - $DBE3
4th Letter - $DBE4
5th Letter - $DBE5
6th Letter - $DBE6
7th Letter - $DBE7
8th Letter - $DBE8
$50 Letter - $DBE9

Box 14
1st Letter - $DBEA
2nd Letter - $DBEB
3rd Letter - $DBEC
4th Letter - $DBED
5th Letter - $DBEE
6th Letter - $DBEF
7th Letter - $DBF0
8th Letter - $DBF1
$50 Letter - $DBF2

And I'm not 100% sure of this, but Sanqui's pastebin doesn't account for Pk and Mn, which correspond to "pop hl" and "ld [$ff00+c],a

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-28 14:29:20
Sounds good. What I just tried is this at DA20; Great Ball x4 (inc b inc b), TM04 x117 (jp xx 75) TM28 x1 (xx=DB).

You can get TM04 x117 by getting 255 of them. I did this:

1) 5 Poké Balls, Poké Ball x5 on top, Poké Ball x5 on bottom; do balls corruption once to get Poké Ball x255 at bottom
2) Toss 60 of the Poké Ball x255, take a held key item and repeat the glitch with TM04 at the bottom to get TM04 x255.
3) Store 117 TM04 in the PC (you can't toss them in this pocket).

TM28 can be found in the National Park.

I haven't tried getting these items at DA20 without cheating (by doing the method above and moving them into the positions) yet; and I'd need a way to get glitch mode 9 (may be relatively simple due to it being Antidote or 9) and I did the long balls corruption method.

Before swapping the itemfinders, buy 54 Poké Balls and 1 Great Ball. Swap the second and third itemfinder,
to create a coin case. In the Balls pocket, the 54 Poké Balls and the 1 Great Ball will have turned into a Coin Case and 255 master balls. Swap the Coin Case and Master Balls. Close the item menu, log on to the PC and deposit the Coin Case in the Key Item Pocket. Deposit some items with quantities too, for swapping. Swap the two itemfinders. The Balls Pocket now has 255 Items. Log onto the PC and Deposit the itemfinder. Log off the PC. From the top of the Balls pocket, press down once and use select. Scroll down until you see a Coin Case, and swap it with the Coin Case. Then, select any tossable item, and swap it with a Master Ball x0 near a Master Ball x2.

I tried this, and although I converted an Itemfinder into a Coin Case, it didn't corrupt the balls pocket. What else do I have to do? My PC only contains old key items, the three Itemfinders were my only Key Items, and I had only those balls in the balls pocket (Poké Ball x53, Great Ball x1).

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-12-28 15:31:56
You need 54 Poké Balls instead of 53.

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-28 15:49:22
It still caused no corruption with 54.

In the mean time, I'll be trying to find a way to use Hacky's underflow to get jump code items.

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-12-28 15:58:39
Maybe it didn't work for you since you have FFs instead of 00s in your item/key items pocket? (I guess this is a problem if you don't want to restart your save file)

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-28 16:11:35
That worked, thanks. And I got the glitch Pokédex mode 09 after some playing around with your method (it is a quantity). So all that's needed is to get a jump instruction into DA20 with one of the methods (and re-write box code if a new jump is necessary).

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-12-28 16:51:26
The best method I found for a jump instruction is:

0A C3 90 FB

Burn Heal x195
Dragon Fang x251

ld a,(bc) ; useless
jp $fb90 ; box names

You can easily get this by scrolling down to the Dragon Fang and the Burn Heal (both 0 quantity) and depositing the amount you need in the PC. Since you can access PC through Balls, you now have those items with the correct quantity.

EDIT: Updated Box Names

; BOX 4
; p 0 'v 0 B é ) 5
af            xor a
f6 d6          or $d6
f6 81          or $81; get $d7
ea 9b fb      ld $fb80,a

; BOX 5
; p é é* 6 'v c
af            xor a
ea ea fc      ld $fc(d7),a ; 0 pkmn in party
; (d7) number above changed to d7
d6 a2          sub $a2 ; get $5e

; BOX 6
; é h 5 p é é* 5
ea a7 fb      ld $fb8c,a ; load letter into later box letter
af            xor a
ea ea fb      ld $fb(5e),a ; make red appear
; (5e) number above changed to 5e

; BOX 7
; 'v 7 é v 6 'v x
d6 fd          sub $fd ; get $03
ea b5 fc      ld $fcb5,a ; change map group to $03
d6 b7          sub $b7 ; get $4c

; BOX 8
; é w 6 x 'd
ea b6 fc      ld $fcb6,a ; change map to silver cave
b7            or a ; unset carry flag
d0            ret nc

However, when I walked up the stairs and down the stairs, I warped to a glitched portion of Silver Cave instead:

EDIT: Worked in Azelea Center for some reason, but not Goldenrod Center. (dunno why)
EDIT2: Also works in Violet Center. Guess there's going to be a deathwarp strat to warp back to either one of those.
EDIT3: Red Crashed the game when I talked to him when warping from Violet Center. Maybe because of changed text pointers?

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-29 09:13:45
Where did you find the Dragon Fang? Or better question, what address is it? Maybe, food for thought, it's an address that stores specific flags that may vary on a more complete save. On my modified old save, it's not in the 254 balls pocket.

I know this is an obvious thing to try, but have you tried saving and resetting before talking to Red?

Edit: Found a Dragon Fang x0 at DAD2 on a save that just got up to Goldenrod City, which is apparently ball 253. On my older save it was a Calcium (hex:1F).
Edit 2: Got exactly the same problem as you. It may be related to the bytes shifting up. But at least we've (well you and Hacky) got really close and are on the verge of finding a workaround and pulling all this off. Saving and resetting worked. W00t!!
Edit 3: Actually I just didn't get the freezing text problem (without saving) for some reason, so I don't know if saving does anything, sorry.
Edit 4: Beating Red didn't save the game (though the credits rolled and I ended up outside Mt. Silver). Did that happen in the Coin Case run?

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: luckytyphlosion
Date: 2014-12-29 12:13:51
Well, to get to Violet Center I deathwarped, so the crash could be related to that. I don't think beating Red saves the game, but after the credits you're automatically loaded to Silver Cave Center.

Just tested before I posted, fainting screws up the Red thing. It apparently gives me a death message instead of beating Red.

Another interesting thing. If you use the PC with no Pokemon, the game will say "Bzzt! You must have a Pokémon to use this!"

Entering any other wild battle (after fainting) also displays this message.

EDIT: Saving and quitting does remove the weird fainting glitch, but it didn't fix the goldenrod thing.

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-12-29 12:23:44
So if you deathwarped to Violet or Azalea, save and reset and then executed your arbitrary code (the jump location and glitch Pokédex mode is written to the save so you shouldn't need to mess with your items again unless blacking out changes that region), would that let you beat the game with no problems?

For what it's worth, I walked to Azalea (with cutter in party) to beat the game earlier and that worked.

Well, to get to Violet Center I deathwarped, so the crash could be related to that. I don't think beating Red saves the game, but after the credits you're automatically loaded to Silver Cave Center.

Ah. Well it took me to Silver Cave, I know that's normal, but maybe I'll beat Red normally on a different save just to confirm it doesn't save.

Edit: It doesn't save normally. Good.

Re: Pokémon Crystal: Better ACE through Key Items Glitch

Posted by: Dabomstew
Date: 2014-12-29 12:42:58
First of all, extremely good work so far. Seems like things are coming along towards a speedrun route here, even if the bad clone process on Crystal might end up being very painful to execute.

Have you guys tried using the Goldenrod Mart's elevator to warp to Red? That was a possible strat in Gold Coin Case until we saw it doesn't work on console (due to map window issues that don't affect this particular ACE as far as I know). I assume Goldenrod Center being broken has something to do with the JP Crystal's special Center in Goldenrod, but the mart should be unchanged…