Re: The "If Pok?mon were real..." Game
Posted by: Godofdeath19
Date: 2007-07-30 18:56:27
What if Delibirds were real?
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*gasp* then it would be dangerous to live on this planet because charmander's tail would cause fires by accident very often (by tail flame) and people would be afraid of it because if they provoked it, it would shoot flamethrower at them and they would get burned maybe to death (ouch) and if it missed it might hit another object and start ANOTHER fire and if somebody farted while a charmander was present they would die, and if a wild or a trainers charmander walked into a gas station then it might explode and MAYBE if they were stupid, terrorists would drop charmanders holding gas cans trained to open them when they got close to the ground and hold them to their tails out of airplanes and we would be dead! O_o O_o O_o *thought of everything random concerning charmanders that I could think of*
what if snorlax was real?
There will be a new replacement for chicken.
What if Pokeballs were real?
It would make no difference.
What if Nurse Joy was real?
We'd have another [perverted stuff] class.
What if Froslass was real?
then it would go against what the Bible says about God creating the world (instead of Arceus). unless its God disguised as a Pokemon O_o.
what if *undiscovered Pokemon* was real?
I would get it to glitch up my enemies PCs, causing them to have a nervous breakdown & dashing all their hopes of ever winning something on eBay.
What if Lickilicky *shudder* was real?