Re: Which would you rather?
Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-07-01 14:28:43
Would you rather be a Mightyena on a train full of people, or a Jolteon on a train full of people?
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I pick both.
Would you rather be a Mightyena on a train full of people, or a Jolteon on a train full of people?
would you rather be at GCL or have a girlfreind/boyfreind
Bag of wasps, provided that they have been humanely killed and deep fried. Plenty of cultures have insects as a major foodstuff. For instance, swarms of locusts in Africa eat crops, but provide a protein-rich meal to replace previous sources of food.
Would you rather have a pulmonary embolism or a myocardial infarction?