My Official Resignation from GCL
Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2007-07-16 13:22:06
I hereby resign from my position as GCL Admin. Most chances you won't ever see me around here again, and on the off chance that you do, I'll only be here as an ordinary member. My retirement is for various reasons, partially because I'm not very pleased with where this forum and its staff are going (and no, I won't give names or reasons, nor will I answer questions about why I think this), but mostly because I've moved on to bigger and better things. I have my own projects and plans now, which may or may not include my own website, and frankly I've gotten somewhat bored with GCL.
I've had a great time here for the years that I've been an active member of this community, and I've learned a lot by being a part of GCL. I've made a lot of great friends here too, and I think that we've built something great together. But now that we've scoured every kilobyte of our favorite classic Pokemon games and found almost every glitch that there is to find, my job here is done. There's just not enough left to find anymore, and even if there was, I'm not sure that I'd still be as enthusiastic to find it.
So now, with my glitch researching days long over, I will vanish into the obscurity from whence I came. Don't miss me too much. :P
"And with that, POW! I'm gone!"