Glitch City Laboratories Archives

Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.

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Debate Wars

the chicken or the egg? - Page 3

Re: the chicken or the egg?

Posted by: yinyang147
Date: 2008-04-28 16:34:47

which came first, the chicken or the egg? I personally think it was an egg laid by a dinosaur or other type of bird, that due to evolution, turned into a hatched chicken. You decide.

If it was from a Dinosaur, it would've died from the meteor that wiped 'em out.

I agree with Gary 'M 9. Mutation sounds more logical than a dead species evolving to a Kfc meal.

Re: the chicken or the egg?

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2008-04-28 16:47:36
Yeah, I agree. Definitely evolution. But, of course, some would disagree. Fortunately, my school believes in evolution.  ;D