Recent purchases
Posted by: Bert
Date: 2013-04-23 22:14:13
I bought Nazareth's Big Dogz album and RATM's self-titled and Evil Empire albums a couple days ago.
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Iron maiden - number of the beast, and Iron Maiden - Maiden Japan on LP records.
Iron maiden - number of the beast, and Iron Maiden - Maiden Japan on LP records.
If you don't have it, you should get Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. It's an amazing album.
Iron maiden - number of the beast, and Iron Maiden - Maiden Japan on LP records.
If you don't have it, you should get Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. It's an amazing album.
I'll definitely keep an eye out for it. It's harder to get maiden around here though. Most of the local record stores won't carry them, and the ones that do usually have the extremely common albums. I got those two on a yard sale for a buck, and they both are scratch free.
do video games count here? I got a frontloader NES, 2 controllers, and 4 games. Tetris, Skate or die, To the earth, and the other game isn't even worth mentioning. The best part is that all of that was only 70 dollars. Thank you local game stores that aren't gamestop :).
Where do you live? I'm in Canada, and the music stores near me love Maiden. There's often several areas on shelves for IM since they've released so much shit.
Video games count here, hence the "vidya" in the first post.