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General Discussion

We all have problems!!! - Page 2

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-07-04 11:36:37
It doesn't matter. the word itself is still offensive and the only way for it to truly be censored is to have it be all asterisks. That way, the offensive word is removed and is not offensive. These words  are not intelligent words. The members who use them are stupid, because they cannot think of a better fitting word.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-04 12:59:42

It doesn't matter. the word itself is still offensive and the only way for it to truly be censored is to have it be all asterisks. That way, the offensive word is removed and is not offensive. These words  are not intelligent words. The members who use them are stupid, because they cannot think of a better fitting word.

This isn't your website. It's not your forums. It's not your server. Therefore you do not make the rules, I do. You are not admin, you are mod (which I'm starting to regret). You do not make the rules, you merely enforce the rules I make.

And using certain words does not make one "stupid". The SWS2B forums, for one, are filled to the brim with people who make you seem as smart as a dog in comparison. And they have no qualms about throwing a few craps, shits, fucks here and there. Hell, they even allow flaming!

If you are honestly offended, perhaps you need to go somewhere else?

Guess what? Even if it was fully censored, could you figure out what the word was? "I have to deal with this ****" is painfully obvious, as "crap" is not censored.

Lo and behold - the forums that DO allow swearing seem to have more intelligent members than ones who censor.

I like the note at TCoD's rules, as it sums it up best:
This forum makes no effort to be entirely kid-friendly.

There will be swearing, although the harshest is automatically censored, and there will be mild sexual references. Overall this forum is rated PG-13. You will also find some R-rated content, but that will always be specifically marked as such.

Children under 13 are not advised to join the forums unless they are aware of what sort of content they will find here and have the maturity to know what they should view and what they should not view.

This forum is primarily aimed at the slightly older side of the Pok?mon fan spectrum. There are many other Pok?mon-related forums made and maintained for children, but this is not one of them. If you are a parent of a member under 13 and do not wish for him or her to view the forums, that is understandable and you may contact the administrator to have your child's account disabled.

"Shit" is not "the harshest". You know this. And TCOD doesn't give the user the option to turn off and on swearing - they just say "We're PG13 and we allow swearing".

How about SWS2B, the forum filled with immature stupidheads?


Censorship sucks. Don't bitch about it.

Mind you, these people have hobbies like game hacking, programming, discovering stuff… much like us, actually. These guys say stuff like this:

If you're going for an optimized cycle count, use precalced lookup tables instead of realtime calculation. It takes more memory, but it's much faster, especially with more complex math. Sinuses are excellent candidates for tables.

Always, always, ALWAYS hook your main display code into the Vint if your project is of a substantial size. This will ensure that your output is perfectly smooth. Vint hits at line $E0. If your code is small and only for testing a routine, then feel free to busywait. But know that, if you get too much code running in a frame, then you're bound to hit your display code late sooner or later. If you hook into Vint, then even if your main program loop takes a bit too long, then at least your display code will hit at line $E0 consistently.

Access to VDP RAM during the visible screen is extremely slow, whether you're using DMA or making the 68k do the dirty work - for example, while you can make 205 accesses to VDP RAM during Vblank, you can only make 20 accesses during active scan. Also note that VRAM accesses are byte-wide, while CRAM and VSRAM accesses are word-wide. If the screen is disabled via VDP register $02.6, then you can access VDP RAM like you would be able to during Vblank.

Do you understand that? Neither do I. I don't even know what a "vint" is. And then this guy turns around and says:

I'm talking about the original intent in posting the thread. If it wasn't only directed at IRC, then I'll just split off all the IRC shit and throw it away, keeping the shit that refers to board issues.

Oh noes! LocalH said shit! Never mind the fact that he knows what a vint is, he's stupid! HE'S STUPID I TELL YOU!!

Your point has been disproven. Now stay out of this thread, it is locked for a reason.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-07-04 13:07:44
Ok, mabye I misworded it. He's immature.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-04 13:22:14

Ok, mabye I misworded it. He's immature.

I'd like to see you say that to his face.

Edit: unlocked, since I can't stop you from posting so I should just let anyone into it… I'd like to hear our member's opinions. Especially Robjoe's.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-07-04 14:23:29
If you're talking about Wild Missingno., xparasite9, she's a girl.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-04 14:33:51

If you're talking about Wild Missingno., xparasite9, she's a girl.

No, I think he was talking about the Local H guy I quoted in my post to disprove his theory that swearing makes you "stupid".

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-07-04 14:46:26
If his theory is correct, than just about EVERYONE IN THE WORLD is stupid.  :P

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: GoldenChaos
Date: 2006-07-04 15:32:45
I'm not completely aginst swearing, nor does it bother me.  I just belive that their are better alternatives in your vocabulary to swearing.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-07-06 14:08:34
I just took a quote from many teachers of mine. I actually agree with GoldenChaos, but I'd rather not see these words. (I'm afraid I'm being monitored by someone. There's a new program that's been installed on my computer. "ViewManager", or something like that. If I uninstall it, They'll know I'm onto them. In fact, I'm taking a huge chance saying this right now. It'll get worse when I get broadband.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-06 14:13:48
"ViewManager"? I googled it and came up with this:

How did it get onto your computer anyway?

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-07-06 17:23:49
yeah, viewpoint. I don't know.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-06 17:34:05

yeah, viewpoint. I don't know.

It gets bundled in with some versions of AOL Instant Messenger. It is not spyware. It does not monitor you and is safe to remove.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Izwzyzx
Date: 2006-07-06 18:58:00

I actually agree with GoldenChaos, but I'd rather not see these words.

That's why there's a censor.

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-07-06 19:00:57

I actually agree with GoldenChaos, but I'd rather not see these words.

That's why there's a censor.

He's complaining that if one or two letters of a bad word are asterisk'd out, it still counts as "swearing", and he thinks Viewpoint Manager is monitoring him or something. The censor won't catch something that's been partially censored by the poster.

The censor now only censors half of the word - so "thud" would be censored "t**d", instead of "****".

Re: We all have problems!!!

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2006-08-20 18:35:19
I would say the words, hell, I actually have! (They weren't censored, however, and so that I don't offend anyone (I mean xparasite), I do MINOR censoring.)