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Down with the Flu - Page 2

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Angrysmurf
Date: 2009-10-14 05:44:58

Meh, I've been arguing with my older brother about H1N1 for the past 6 months (he's one of those people who was/is freaking out over this; I'm more realistic about it). Now he has proof to use against me (about 2-3 people on GCL have gotten H1N1 [Naitekiakki]).

Anyways, get well soon.

That it'll kill you? Both Naitekiakki and Axaj are doing fine, unless one of them is now chronically ill.

No, that the virus is widespread and dangerous (bear in mind I use the word proof in the above quote for lack of a better word).

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-10-14 10:29:09

Meh, I've been arguing with my older brother about H1N1 for the past 6 months (he's one of those people who was/is freaking out over this; I'm more realistic about it). Now he has proof to use against me (about 2-3 people on GCL have gotten H1N1 [Naitekiakki]).

Anyways, get well soon.

That it'll kill you? Both Naitekiakki and Axaj are doing fine, unless one of them is now chronically ill.

No, that the virus is widespread and dangerous (bear in mind I use the word proof in the above quote for lack of a better word).

The virus is indeed becoming more widespread, but it is not and (most likely) never will become dangerous.

BTW, does anyone remember "I'm eating chocolate chips right now"?

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-10-14 14:17:56
I just found out today that my cousin has it. He lives with me and is currently staying home with it. I actually don't seem to be showing any of the symptoms although I've got some excessive mucus problems in my throat at the moment but I think its just my sinuses as nothing else seems to be wrong with me.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-10-14 16:20:45
You do get some people <points to self> that are just unusually immune to it.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2009-10-14 18:12:04

Meh, I've been arguing with my older brother about H1N1 for the past 6 months (he's one of those people who was/is freaking out over this; I'm more realistic about it). Now he has proof to use against me (about 2-3 people on GCL have gotten H1N1 [Naitekiakki]).

Anyways, get well soon.

That it'll kill you? Both Naitekiakki and Axaj are doing fine, unless one of them is now chronically ill.

No, that the virus is widespread and dangerous (bear in mind I use the word proof in the above quote for lack of a better word).

The virus is indeed becoming more widespread, but it is not and (most likely) never will become dangerous.

BTW, does anyone remember "I'm eating chocolate chips right now"?

At first I thought that H1N1 was mostly media hype, but since many people that I know have been getting ill it seems to be picking up steam. I hope that you feel better soon.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-10-14 19:37:38
It is mostly media hype.  The funniest thing is that (iirc) Bird Flu was more dangerous, but it didn't have nearly as much hype.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2009-10-16 15:05:15
It's funny, considering more people die of the normal flu each year (over for you Westerners  :P) than the those that have died of the H1N1 virus.

However, viruses can mutate at a horrendously fast level, thus H1N1 will probably get worse.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-10-16 15:24:52

However, viruses can mutate at a horrendously fast level, thus H1N1 will probably get worse.

Two very different words, especially in this case.  Please, name the most recent virus that has "mutated at a horrendously fast level."

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2009-10-16 15:33:36

However, viruses can mutate at a horrendously fast level, thus H1N1 will probably get worse.

Two very different words, especially in this case.  Please, name the most recent virus that has "mutated at a horrendously fast level."

Technically, the H1N1 virus has evolved rather quickly.
If you notice, some people have died from it, and others from the same age group have not. This is because they have different strains of the same virus; it has mutated into a more severe, or in some rare cases, a lesser form of itself.
Actually, not really 'lesser', but it just mutated in a way that our bodies can resist it better.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-10-16 18:34:47

This is because they have different strains of the same virus; it has mutated into a more severe, or in some rare cases, a lesser form of itself.
Actually, not really 'lesser', but it just mutated in a way that our bodies can resist it better.


Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Ratipharos
Date: 2009-10-16 19:22:12

This is because they have different strains of the same virus; it has mutated into a more severe, or in some rare cases, a lesser form of itself.
Actually, not really 'lesser', but it just mutated in a way that our bodies can resist it better.



Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2009-10-16 20:56:41

This is because they have different strains of the same virus; it has mutated into a more severe, or in some rare cases, a lesser form of itself.
Actually, not really 'lesser', but it just mutated in a way that our bodies can resist it better.


You don't have to be such a sod about it.

Fine, you want a recent virus that mutates quickly?
Look at bloody HIV: because it's a retrovirus, or an RNA virus, it is known to mutate rather quickly.

If you don't believe that, my father is a biologist, ask him.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-10-16 21:03:03
I have the 24 hour flu right now. Sucks.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: Bassmasta
Date: 2009-10-16 21:08:59
I think I have some sort of flu. Got it yesterday.

Re: Down with the Flu

Posted by: tachi
Date: 2009-10-17 17:36:48
Bird flu?