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Which Windows System Do You Find Best? - Page 2

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Wa
Date: 2009-11-18 22:29:28

Well, oddly enough, my parent's computer is XP: Pro and that runs fine other than it's very slow. Vista, I completely fucking hate. I haven't had a death screen with it yet, but half the time whatever I have running has a habit of crashing, like Windows Media Player, Guild Wars Game Client, Firefox, my files, desktop, a lot of bloody things crash on me when I use Vista, as I have three Microsoft Office updates that keeps getting Error 646, and nothing has helped me so I had no choice but to hide the updates. Vista sucks!

XP Professional may work, but because it's slow and I need instant click gratification (if I don't get it the computer will crash within 20 minutes or so; I break slow things) I hated it at school. I tried Vista once and it sort of worked, so that's why I'm going with it.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-11-18 22:35:42
I let my Vista update, but them stupid Office updates won't install, as I've had the same problem in the past with them, and my XP has them as well but it doesn't have Microsoft Office anymore. Vista has been useful for a strong/large game like Guild Wars, but my XP can't run the game without freezing/locking up, where my parent's PC can, just badly slow, but a bit stable-ish. Here in England, (Rip-off Britian we're call, no joke), where the computers/laptops here are rip-off prices, and it's hard to like replace a computer's part, if it fails due to old age, but eh Vista hasn't impressed me, and Windows 7 surely won't.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-11-18 23:28:18

Vista was a steaming stinking flaming pile of s**t, and the problems with XP were probably a driver problem or IRQ conflict.

Have you even updated vista?
Anyways, 7 gets my vote. If you say no because of compatibility, you fail at life considering anything that works on vista works on 7.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-11-18 23:33:00
Windows 7 will be like Vista = fails. If Windows 98 was able to run a game like Guild Wars, I'd so downgrade.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Bassmasta
Date: 2009-11-18 23:48:30
Of the three I've had so far (XP, Vista, 7), 7 gets my vote as the best I've had so far. I mean it looks like Vista at first but its a bit faster at least for me and even though I found the layout confusing at first, I actually find some parts of it a little easier. Plus the system updates I've had so far have worked. XP comes next because even though it was slow at least it worked well. Vista just downright sucked for me. The system updates never worked (after a while I couldn't even manually update; it said I didn't have any Internet connection), it was slow (but still faster than XP), the Internet stopped at times, the list just goes on and on.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-11-18 23:51:14
I have the same trouble with Vista.  My first is 98, lasted 9 years, uh, XP was okay when it was new, but now all it does is piss me off, and third and last is Vista. Makes GW's graphics more real, and is a little more stable (not when Vista is loading something from desktop then it makes the game lagg like no end).

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Chaos
Date: 2009-11-19 00:03:37
And that's all I got to say about that…

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-11-19 00:08:18
My XP sucks, my Vista sucks, so that's what I say .

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-11-19 17:40:58
3.1 FTW!

The only time Microsoft actually improved Windows!

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2009-11-19 21:15:10
Windows 7:

A 64-bit rehash of a 32-bit extension of a 16-bit shell to an 8-bit operating system for a 4-bit processor made by a 2-bit company with not 1 bit of sense.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-11-19 21:36:15
I'd love to see Microsoft get off their lazy asses and sort out the Update problem with Vista, and make it more faster. Whenever I run Mozilla Firefox on here (I'm using my laptop that's Fujitsu with Windows Vista Service Pack 2), and after a while my perfomance slows down and it crashes. I should make a poll on what Windows System sucks, and people can talk about what needs improvement.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-11-19 21:43:27

Windows 7 will be like Vista = fails. If Windows 98 was able to run a game like Guild Wars, I'd so downgrade.

No, just no.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-11-19 21:48:08
I voted Windows 98 to be the best system I used and I'm sticking with it. A friend of mine and me were talking about Windows 7 about 2 weeks ago and I said I'm not paying over £400 on a bloody Windows system, where my laptop was £300, and yes we are called rip-off Britain. Windows 7 is going to be like Vista all over again. If Conficker infects Window 7 it'll render useless, because Conficker will re-infect the system hours after its removal, in the end Windows 7 is like Vista, but with a slight difference, but will no doubt still run the same as Vista - useless.

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-11-20 10:03:48

I'd love to see Microsoft get off their lazy asses and sort out the Update problem with Vista, and make it more faster. Whenever I run Mozilla Firefox on here (I'm using my laptop that's Fujitsu with Windows Vista Service Pack 2), and after a while my perfomance slows down and it crashes. I should make a poll on what Windows System sucks, and people can talk about what needs improvement.

How many times do I have to link you to the site that fixes update errors?

Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2009-11-20 20:03:33
And I've told you it failed. It's failed again.