Re: Which Windows System Do You Find Best?
Posted by: Wa
Date: 2009-11-18 22:29:28
Well, oddly enough, my parent's computer is XP: Pro and that runs fine other than it's very slow. Vista, I completely fucking hate. I haven't had a death screen with it yet, but half the time whatever I have running has a habit of crashing, like Windows Media Player, Guild Wars Game Client, Firefox, my files, desktop, a lot of bloody things crash on me when I use Vista, as I have three Microsoft Office updates that keeps getting Error 646, and nothing has helped me so I had no choice but to hide the updates. Vista sucks!
XP Professional may work, but because it's slow and I need instant click gratification (if I don't get it the computer will crash within 20 minutes or so; I break slow things) I hated it at school. I tried Vista once and it sort of worked, so that's why I'm going with it.