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Video Games Discussion

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Page 2

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Pokedude
Date: 2018-07-18 08:57:53
Oh… Then we probably can't go unless we go there on vacation. Thanks for telling me though!

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2018-07-18 21:45:14
Oof, as the _other_ competitive player over here (I don't run my own tournaments or anything notable like that, though), I've completely neglected to say anything.

So, hmm. I have my reservations.

Well, the first thing is that Switches are expensive. Really expensive. That's not Sakurai/Bandai Namco/the rest of the team's fault, but it's a barrier.

The second is directional airdodges. Because that sort of implies only one airdodge before touching the ground (otherwise everyone will have infinite recovery). I dunno how I feel about that, personally. It's gonna take a lot to adjust to, more so than anything else I think.
In general it seems to be faster-paced, and I'm just someone who prefers a mindgame-based metagame. I mean I have motor control issues and shit, I'm simply not able to do complex long combos in rapid succession without thinking.

I guess it wouldn't be so bad if people didn't act like Smash 4 was the worst game on the planet and we absolutely "need" to get rid of it. Like, people seem to be really doing that. I don't really think there's that much wrong with Smash 4 other than Bayonetta (which is another story). I enjoy Smash 4 tournaments. But people are like "Yes!!! Finally we can get rid of Smash 4!!! Throw out all our Wii Us!!!!!!". That really sucks (also, the Wii U is a fine console IMO if you look at it for what it actually is).

If TOs weren't threatening to eliminate Smash 4 from competitive existence, it'd be fine. It'd just be another game I can also play, and if it doesn't work out, stick to Smash 4. It seems to me like they could just coexist and you play either one depending on what kind of metagame you prefer.

So that's why I'm a bit ehhhhhhh about it at the moment.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-07-23 21:34:24
I'm personally fine with the airdodge change – you only get one airdodge, but you're able to airdodge again after you either touch the ground or you get hit by an attack. So, theoretically, you won't just airdodge once and then be vulnerable to uair juggles until the clock runs out.

There's a pretty big concern about theft of Switches though, which is something that I'm concerned about going forward for sure. To steal a Wii U from a tournament, you have to disconnect all the wires, collect those wires, and then grab the console and GameCube adapter itself before heading out. It's a complicated process (well, I haven't tried, but I can guess) that takes a bit of time to complete. On the other hand, the only thing someone would have to do to steal a Switch would be to remove the console from the dock and walk out. There's no real easy way to secure a Switch, too – there'll likely be a risk of theft at tournaments until the creation of some standard solution.

I think overall Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate are too similar to have differentiated playerbases. Melee and Smash 4 are much different because the mechanics of those games are worlds apart. The base gameplay is the same, but Melee has a much larger focus on techskill and heavy combo strings compared to the more mindgame, read-based Smash 4. Ultimate sort of blends the two together, but right now seems like it'll have more similarities to Smash 4 than differences, meaning most players will make the switch. (pun not intended)

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2018-07-24 03:15:45
Hmm… I guess the thing is, by the logic of "people will steal this thing because it's easy to do so", people would be stealing Wii U Gamepads by now, as well as basically anything that isn't plugged into another thing. Some people leave their phones plugged into consoles here. So those should apparently be getting stolen, too. Maybe in other countries with Smash scenes this does happen, I dunno.

Probably look to the Pokken scene for that, since I imagine they'd all be playing the Switch version by now.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: shaggs
Date: 2018-07-25 04:57:43

I'm personally fine with the airdodge change – you only get one airdodge, but you're able to airdodge again after you either touch the ground or you get hit by an attack. So, theoretically, you won't just airdodge once and then be vulnerable to uair juggles until the clock runs out.

There's a pretty big concern about theft of Switches though, which is something that I'm concerned about going forward for sure. To steal a Wii U from a tournament, you have to disconnect all the wires, collect those wires, and then grab the console and GameCube adapter itself before heading out. It's a complicated process (well, I haven't tried, but I can guess) that takes a bit of time to complete. On the other hand, the only thing someone would have to do to steal a Switch would be to remove the console from the dock and walk out. There's no real easy way to secure a Switch, too – there'll likely be a risk of theft at tournaments until the creation of some standard solution.

I think overall Smash 4 and Smash Ultimate are too similar to have differentiated playerbases. Melee and Smash 4 are much different because the mechanics of those games are worlds apart. The base gameplay is the same, but Melee has a much larger focus on techskill and heavy combo strings compared to the more mindgame, read-based Smash 4. Ultimate sort of blends the two together, but right now seems like it'll have more similarities to Smash 4 than differences, meaning most players will make the switch. (pun not intended)

I'll be a security guard for the Switch for the right price (joking not joking), but yeah I would say
it's worth paying someone to make sure nothing gets stolen since there is a lot of equipment
and personal belongings, on top of not being able to trust people you don't know.

That aside I am really liking the speed of Ultimate from what I can see in the videos,
hopefully it plays the same way because I recently tried to get back into Smash 4 and
it's just horrible, it feels so slow I can't bear to play. I hope Ultimate doesn't disappoint.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-07-26 00:25:15

Hmm… I guess the thing is, by the logic of "people will steal this thing because it's easy to do so", people would be stealing Wii U Gamepads by now, as well as basically anything that isn't plugged into another thing. Some people leave their phones plugged into consoles here. So those should apparently be getting stolen, too. Maybe in other countries with Smash scenes this does happen, I dunno.

Hmm. Might be the size of your locals, maybe? I know we've had instances at larger (40+ attendees) events here where laptops, controllers, and even entire consoles have been stolen right under the TOs noses. So it definitely happens.

My one thought was just bringing Switch docks to tournaments and then having players bring their entire consoles, docking their console when they have a match to play, and undocking it after the match. That would require every player to have a Switch, though, which might be a tall order.

Looking at the Pokken scene is a good idea.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2018-09-13 18:06:30

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-09-15 14:51:33
I got to play Ultimate at PAX a few weeks ago! Played Ike, Ridley, and Inkling. Ike felt really good. Inkling felt weird but seemed like a good character if I could get the hang of him. Ridley felt bad.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2018-11-03 18:51:38


Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-11-04 01:45:49
I don't even know what they were thinking when they put Piranha Plant in the game. But, hey, I guess, it's there.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Pokedude
Date: 2018-11-04 20:24:35

Oh yeah let's add Bomberman!


Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-11-04 21:30:20


Oh yeah let's add Bomberman!


Sobs out because neither of them got in. Really wanted Bomberman though.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-11-05 02:31:07
I'm quite sad, because we have Shulk (Xenoblade Chronicles 1) and Rex somewhat (Xenoblade Chronicles 2), but nothing will be said of Xenoblade Chronicles X, which is something… it almost feels like a retcon at times.

Overall, I'm a bit sad that some of my personal favorites didn't get in, but that's just minor nitpicks; I sure hope the game will be as amazing to play as it's promising to be!!

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2018-11-05 17:07:43

I'm a bit sad that some of my personal favorites didn't get in

>He actually hoped the character he wanted would be in Smash Bros.

[img height=300][/img]

lololol nerd daily reminder this super duper obscure character i like from a game only released for the Famicom that doesn't even have a page on the obscure games wiki is totally in tho #winning #getrekt

I wonder what Piranha Plant's final smash will be.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2018-11-06 19:25:15
Direct was just kind of a bit meh, honestly

I mean he did say "don't expect too many characters" and absolutely nobody listened to him, so it's like… eh… I guess I can't really be miffed about that part.

Piranha Plant might be cool. Incineroar… I don't think is really that exciting or relevant as a Pokemon, but that's probably my feelings towards gen 7, and also probably because Litten is a cute kitty and then it evolves into a big ugly thing which is not cute. I have a feeling he'll probably be the "scrub" character that dominates lower level play, kinda like Little Mac was at Smash 4's launch.

Not much to be said about Ken. Not much at all.

Spirits Mode sounds kinda fun but I don't think it'll be nearly as hype as Sakurai was making it out to be. It's just like event matches to me.

No 3D trophies to gawk at. That's gonna be a sore point.

And this wasn't in the Direct, but one again Classic Mode is not classic at all. All-Star Mode seems kinda meh now too.

Competitively I don't think it's going to replace Smash 4 even though everyone's acting like that, and it basically will because TOs have the power. I swear I'll keep an underground Smash 4 scene going if I have to.

Am I just having a negative outlook on everything? Quite possibly.

Just kinda want my defensive options, and Switches are like $500 here…