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Video Games Discussion

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Page 4

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2018-12-13 03:59:08
Well then

Finally got the chance to play the video game, because it has been released, and so my weekly Smash meets that I attend have done a meet. They didn't have a tournament this time, they're gonna start those next year, but… game. A night full of casual matches and free pizza, basically.

I wrote a long-ass Twitter thread about it, but that was of course disconnected and incoherent like most things I say. Basically it's like is it good enough? Yeah, I was really worried that I was gonna suck at this game and it wasn't for me, but it's actually fine. It actually has the same feeling when playing it as Smash 4, it's just different.

And I think that's the thing. The fanbase hyped it up too much, it's not a revolutionary change to how Smash has ever been played, it's just a decent game. That's not to say "oh it's just Smash 4 with a balance patch", it is definitely a new game, it's just that every other game has been a new game as well.

Anyway I main Jigglypuff now

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2018-12-15 11:44:54
This is one of the games I'm waiting a little longer for, for Christmas. :)

Pokémon Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee! was a very refreshing title for the Switch. I loved going through Kanto once more, even though I've already analysed it a lot for glitching.

I imagine this will be a rewarding game too, with things to do once more such as clearing the single player modes will all characters.

I'm still torn whether to obtain the characters using World of Light or by another means.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-12-16 02:00:29
Today I attended my first Super Smash Bros. Ultimate major (Don't Park on the Grass in Seattle, Washington). I made it out of pools losers side and play tomorrow in losers Top 96! First time ever in my life I make it out of pools, so that's hype. Played four characters today in bracket, too (K Rool, ROB, Ike, Wolf).

I'm Gyromight in the bracket here.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-12-16 03:44:46
I've played a small tournament with more experienced players, so I lost immediately (losers round was fairly close, though)

What's annoying is that after the tournament was over, everyone insisted on playing on "No items, FD only, no fun allowed"
Come on, people!

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2019-02-25 23:00:25
So, uh, in case any of you want to travel to a Smash Ultimate major, I'm the one organizing this.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2019-02-26 01:05:20
Well I would like to come over and play against you one day, but then I don't even attend my own country's majors, so y'know. Mostly because money and also because it's not worth me going all that way to go 0-2 and then spend the rest of the day being too scared to ask for friendlies, and I'm not one for travel, and… bleh. Complicated.

I have been semi-consistently going 2-2 or 3-2 at weeklies though! So that's good. I don't think I'm doing better than I was in Smash 4 still, I think it's just there are more low-level players for me to feast on (because they're all newbies) and so the brackets end up with me being seeded into people I can stomp and then lose to mid-level players.

But every week is in an improvement. Still don't have a Switch but I'm thinking more clearly and overall better, becoming better at spacing, more comfortable and confident with combos and Rest setups…

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2019-02-26 20:57:59
Yeah, I've felt the same way too with how this game has been going for me. I don't feel like I'm any better or worse at this game than I was at Smash 4, but I'm slowly getting more and more of an understanding as to what my character can do in every situation. Slowly but surely I'll improve.

Let's Wi-Fi sometime if you ever decide to get a Switch / pay for online play lol. The only person I've played Smash with from here has been Fivex, and that was a long, long time ago.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-02-27 05:02:12
I'm getting better and better, I believe. Things I still need to improve:
- Grabbing (I never do that, lol)
- Off-stage game (too scared)
- Understanding of the game's mechanics (still no idea how to DI)
But hey, I'm closer to consistently kicking lv 9 CPU ass! :D

- #PlantGang
- Simon (/ Richter)
- K Rool for funsies
- Next target on practice: Lucario I think

Also I don't like the solo anymore. The requirements on the fights are just bullshit, at some point. "LUL BE SPAMMED WITH ANDROSS ALL THE TIME LELELELELELEL"

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2019-02-28 02:07:37
The solo? Referring to World of Light?

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2019-02-28 07:09:05

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2019-03-03 00:37:41
Lol I kinda hate World Of Light. The 9 and 18-Volt fight was too much for me to handle. I eventually cleared it, but boy was it frustrating…
I'm in the same boat as you. Some things in WOL are really easy and fun to get through, but others are just incredibly, unreasonably difficult to accomplish unless you try like… 50 times. And, if you're having to try to play the same level 50 times in order to complete it, that just isn't fun anymore.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2020-06-29 20:51:24

Some things in WOL are really easy and fun to get through, but others are just incredibly, unreasonably difficult to accomplish unless you try like… 50 times. And, if you're having to try to play the same level 50 times in order to complete it, that just isn't fun anymore.

Hahaha yeah.
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