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Video Games Discussion

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate - Page 3

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2018-11-06 22:53:44

Switches are like $500 here…

And here I thought the Canadian price of $400 was absurd. I mean it is, but still.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2018-11-07 06:17:39
Australian retailers and distributors love to jack up the price of electronics etc and then throw a tantrum and whinge to the government when people import from overseas instead of buying from them.

Anyway, I double checked and it's $449, but that's still….. money. Money that I'd have to spend if I want to have a chance at keeping up with this game competitively, because otherwise I can't practice at home, and I know how much that killed me when my Wii U 🅱roke… ugh. (And money that I really can't be spending right now, and I guess some economic advisors would say no game console is right now, but like… bleh. Even if I wasn't in a financial pickle at the moment, $449 is still a buttload. The Wii U cost less on launch.)

I wish there was just a 3DS version or something. I know they like to pretend the Wii U doesn't exist anymore.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Pokedude
Date: 2018-11-07 14:54:42
And I thought $300 in the USA was hard to swallow! (Still is for my low income)
BTW they wouldn't make a 3DS version  cause the Switch is both console and handheld. Sorry.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-11-12 22:25:31
Zow, I kind of agree with you. I was pretty underwhelmed by the Direct, especially considering the characters they revealed. Ken's just an echo of Ryu, and, while I think Incineroar himself can be cool as a fighter in Smash, the character itself just doesn't excite me. I was disappointed when only those two characters (plus Piranha Plant at the end, for some reason) were the only ones revealed. Seemed kind of… underwhelming, especially considering how packed with reveals the first two directs were.

Incineroar seems like he'll be the character closest to a traditional grappler in Smash, which is kind of cool. I'm gonna think he'll be the character that's hard to play at first, but good once mastered (relies on grabs so much that he'll be hard for beginners to pick up). Spirits Mode seems underwhelming, too – seems just like event mode, with cutscenes and boss battles. That's more than we got in Smash 4, to be fair, but it still seems more underwhelming than the full-fledged Subspace Emissary mode we got in Brawl, and, frankly, what's being advertised. Right now people think it's the sequel to Subspace Emissary, which, from everything I've seen, it won't be.

At least from what I've seen, I think it'll definitely replace Smash 4 competitively. Players around here seem generally done with the game (especially those that main lower-tier characters) and are looking forward to a more balanced game in Ultimate. Which might be the case. The game could also be just as unbalanced as Smash 4. Who knows! The mystery is the fun part.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Pokedude
Date: 2018-11-18 20:37:04
Plus the game itself is 60 freaking dollars plus controls and crap. The Wii was $100 when it came out!

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2018-11-18 23:23:04

Spirits Mode seems underwhelming, too – seems just like event mode, with cutscenes and boss battles.

The application of Spirits themselves is basically just the sticker system from Brawl, far as I can tell.

The Wii was $100 when it came out!

Where? Google says that the Wii was $250 at launch.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-11-19 02:27:48

Plus the game itself is 60 freaking dollars plus controls and crap. The Wii was $100 when it came out!

What, 60 is too much to ask for a game which contains THAT MANY characters? They spent several years making it, Sakurai put so much effort in it, and there's so much content that it's dizzying.
60 is a fair price for its content.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-11-20 00:33:59
I always think of games as if I'm purchasing hours of entertainment. If I can get 80 hours of gameplay out of a game for $60? That comes out to roughly 75 cents per hour of entertainment, which I think is a good investment. Smash Ultimate will likely keep me occupied for hundreds of hours, making it a better investment.

However, don't get me started on a game like Sonic Forces. That game was so short and easy and bad that it wasn't worth anywhere near its price.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-11-20 01:12:42
I generally agree with the "buying hours" idea, although I tend to also weigh in the effort that was put in the game.
Also, you probably should also weigh how entertaining the time spent was (grinding in mind, mostly.)

And, well, for Ultimate, "effort" is an understatement to God (Sakurai)'s work.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2018-11-25 00:55:51
Just so you folks know, the ROM has been leaked, dumped, datamined, and all of that stuff. Some people with hacked Switches are playing the game right now. Some streamers are even streaming the game (which seems pretty stupid if you don't want to get banned from things).

Fellow moderators, how do we feel about the posting of leaks here? Personally I'd be for prohibiting that.

It's like…. I see these leaks on Twitter, and really people? You can't wait 13 days? Let people enjoy things with a fresh new perspective.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-11-25 11:14:16
Yeah, I'm against the leaks. I bought the game, and I'll wait until I can play it. I'm fine if people want to figure things out, or get a taste of it early (that's what demos and early are for, really), but they shouldn't spoil other people who can't or don't want to play the game early.

tl;dr: insta-delet anything about the leaks. Wouldn't warrant a kick/ban if outside this thread, but a very stern warning. If done while aware of this, insta-kick/ban.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Sherkel
Date: 2018-11-25 12:13:32
Posting the leaks? Wouldn't that fall under the umbrella of posting any pirated material?

Unless you mean links to videos/datamines/music and stuff like that, which I don't really see why anyone would post considering you can look them up on your own.

Wait, what was I thinking? Obviously pictures and descriptions are a thing. Yes, fully in agreement on that.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Pokedude
Date: 2018-12-08 20:13:27
It's out!!!
Also our Wii came from ToysRUs and knowing my parents probably a deal.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2018-12-12 18:28:11
I've played about 36 hours over the past four days. I don't have anything to say other than the fact that this game is really good and I'm gonna play it for a long time.

World of Light is really hard though.

Re: Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Posted by: ISSOtm
Date: 2018-12-13 01:10:04
I haven't played WoL a lot thus far, mostly multiplayer matches.
Only less than 6 fighters remaining to unlock~