Re: Religion
Posted by: Spoink
Date: 2015-12-31 15:32:21
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I believe we cant know if we are in a "base reality", in other words, a non simulation world, or if there is a world outside this one. I cant go outside this existence by my own will, therefore it doesnt matter if I believe in it or not as it has no implications.
I agree with this, and I think God (if God exists) will always love us unconditionally.
therefore I believe we are in a base reality, that gods are fake and made-up by mortal minds as it is the simplest explanation to what we see and feel. someone who devotes his life to a religion is just wasting his time… but I dont hate ones who do. unless they make some stupid ass s**t decisions that can affect me and others who arent in that religion in a negative way… in such case I wont shut up. but that's how I react with other groups, not only religious ones
I relate with this too. I find dogma is fine as long as you don't try to force your view on others and remember to treat people with love and respect. I really dislike that and also religious extremism. In my view you risk not living in God at all and also risk falling to narrow-minded thinking or segregating those who don't believe in your views.
I relate to Christianity though in various ways. My favourite parable is that a good shepherd opens the door by the gate, if you go in by the fence you could scare the sheep and doing that in general is disrepectful (the quote goes on to say that those who go in by the fence are by figures of speech a "burglar"). Therefore we treat others with respect, also be humble and also if you ever meet with someone with ideals that you don't believe in, you go in their shoes, acknowledge their ideals and treat them with fairly.
I also relate to Jesus' saying that he is there so "the blind will see" and "those who see will become blind". This could be interpreted to mean that at times we are caught in an issue such as low mood and 'don't see the light', but God/Jesus will make us understand the issue with greater insight and forgive ourselves and/or others.
Those who see will become blind at a first glance sounds bad, but it means that sometimes in life we have received our comfort but will eventually lose it. It is believed this is needed in Christianity because in God's view those who become proud risk developing qualities such as arrogance, selfishness, being judgemental, discriminating or segregative, condescending.
This is also links into a saying that God chose wisdom in the world to fool the wise, like how in science we have many times changed our paradigms to better fit new discoveries. It also humbles the spirit for things to be this way and strengthens our unconditional love.
Though this is not in Christianity, I feel this also similar to the spiritual law of balance and polarity. If you feel an extreme emotion (such as a keen enthusiasm in something or depression) or are even in an extreme situation (like being a slave), you must at some point have experienced the opposite situation (even if you were a slave but became a dictator in another life) to complete our understanding of the experience.
I'm going to be assertive though in saying I disagree however with some parts of the Bible, in particular the views the homosexuality is immoral (the Bible says they will not "inherit the kingdom of God"), as well as (actual quote) "A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this." and this one is obscure but there is also a verse along the lines that women should be submissive as Eve ate the fruit! In my view that is just sexism disguised as an archetype. Sadly I can no longer find the last one.
This is personally why I stopped believing in fundamental Christianity and became agnostic. But I wish people of all religions could transcend to a place in which their ideals are met without hurting other people.
I personally believe the meaning of life is simply to strengthen love through hardship (in fact we could have eternal love but if you had something to compare it with like yin/yang the feeling would become stronger), but I still assert that I know nothing about God.
I'm going to be assertive though in saying I disagree however with some parts of the Bible, in particular the views the homosexuality is immoral (the Bible says they will not "inherit the kingdom of God"), as well as (actual quote) "A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this." and this one is obscure but there is also a verse along the lines that women should be submissive as Eve ate the fruit! In my view that is just sexism disguised as an archetype. Sadly I can no longer find the last one.
I see. Yeah, there are different sects/ways to interpret it. :)
I feel we live in a more accepting society nowadays that isn't as strict regarding ways of life. For what it's worth this dilemma is known as apostasy (also in a negative sense referred to as "falling away"), which means some of the Bible's original laws/principles are abandoned.