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Pokémon Discussion

Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6) - Page 2

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2013-04-09 15:43:50
So amongst all the "THEY RUINED MEWTWO THOSE BASTARDS", what are you guys hoping to see?

I'd like to see a water/poison type hydra Pokémon.

An electric/dark type vacuum Rotom or an electric/steel type TV Rotom would be neat too.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2013-04-09 18:11:10
You mean Mewbuu?

I like it, after all. Better than Xerneas.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Raven Freak
Date: 2013-05-14 11:11:27
Wow this thread hasn't been updated in a while it seems, new information has been given to us just recently. This is taken from
Following its reveal in CoroCoro on Saturday, The Pokémon Company has now announced the US names of the latest Pokémon. First, Gogoat shall be known as Gogoat. Elikiteru will be known as Helioptile, Yayakoma will be known as Fletchling and Yancham will be known as Pancham. In addition to this, they have also confirmed a few other bits. First, the Karos Region shall be called Kalos and Miare City shall be called Lumiose City. The move Parting Remark will be called Parting Shot and Parabola Charge will be Parabolic Charge.
It also confirms that at certain points you'll be able to get new outfits and accessories for your Trainer! It also confirmed diagonal movement. They also sent a new batch of directfeed screenshots, which have been added to our pre-release screenshot page. Click the image to go to the page
Edit @ 14:47: Created pages on the Kalos Region, as well as various New Mechanics. Both pages will be updated as the months go by
Edit @ 15:21: Created a page on the New Moves
Edit @ 16:01: Pokémon names and move names seem to have increased beyond the 10 & 12 respective character limit. France has called Pancham Pandespiègle which is 2 characters longer, while Parabolic Charge is 16 characters long

You can read more about older updates on their site, and here's the link to the complete article with images.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-06-11 09:41:13

For those of you distracted by the Nintendo E3 thing, there's some big news coming right up here.

2 major things from this new trailer:

Definitely worth me staying up late on a work night to find this information out. But I should probably go to bed, because I have to wake up in…. 5 hours and 45 minutes? Dang.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Krazyguy75
Date: 2013-06-11 09:53:45
So… I guess the sole remnants of normal type will by furry animals, since they announced Jigglypuff is a fairy, and as such, most likely, so will clefairy, chansey, and all other such things. Not sure if I like that or not.

PS: Why isn't Victini Fire/Fairy?

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-06-11 09:56:20
There's still enough Normal types to go around.

PS: Who says it isn't? They've only announced those four, doesn't mean those are the only ones.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Raven Freak
Date: 2013-06-11 13:57:44
Eww we got a new type the Fairy type. Yeah i'm not thrilled about that at all, we don't need a new type because IMO the types were already balanced after the created Steel and Dark to well balance the types out. :V Maybe if this type was introduced in Gen 3 it would have made a bit of sense, but that gen came out 10+ years ago! Dragon didn't need another weakness IMO, if anything Fighting maybe. This is the only disappointing thing about Gen 6… but the Pokemon aime feature is absolutely adorable. <3

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-06-11 15:59:26
I would disagree that the Dragon type is balanced, but then again because they're dragons they were probably intended to be overpowered. Either way I think we should wait until the game is actually released and competitive battling types start playing with things to see what is truly balanced and what isn't; personally I think this might curb people spamming Outrages everywhere a bit. Especially if Blissey ends up being one.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2013-06-11 16:20:25

Where the fuck is my vacuum Rotom, GameFreak?

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Krazyguy75
Date: 2013-06-11 17:29:30
Honestly, Dragon isn't that overpowered. Dragon has 2 weaknesses only, but you've got to keep in mind it has very few resistances. As a move type, it is somewhat overpowered, but it has only one super effective: Dragon type. And most Dragons are likely to carry a STAB Dragon move, so that is fairly balanced. And the lack of resistances is good, but on an attack based Pokemon, it's better to have more type coverage, and if you've got a non-attack based dragon and are that worried about coverage, you're not playing very well.

Also, keep in mind that from what they've said so far, Fairy is super effective on Dragon, but they have yet to say that Dragon is not very effective on Fairy. And I highly doubt that will be the case, as it makes little sense how a Dragon's claw will do less damage to a tiny fairy than to a boulder. Then again, Fairies dealing more damage to a dragon also makes little sense.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-06-11 17:58:26

Honestly, Dragon isn't that overpowered. Dragon has 2 weaknesses only, but you've got to keep in mind it has very few resistances. As a move type, it is somewhat overpowered, but it has only one super effective: Dragon type. And most Dragons are likely to carry a STAB Dragon move, so that is fairly balanced. And the lack of resistances is good, but on an attack based Pokemon, it's better to have more type coverage, and if you've got a non-attack based dragon and are that worried about coverage, you're not playing very well.

Also, keep in mind that from what they've said so far, Fairy is super effective on Dragon, but they have yet to say that Dragon is not very effective on Fairy. And I highly doubt that will be the case, as it makes little sense how a Dragon's claw will do less damage to a tiny fairy than to a boulder. Then again, Fairies dealing more damage to a dragon also makes little sense.

Offensively, Dragons are overpowered enough that this team gets anywhere at all:
Admittedly, the new fairies might not do much to change this, and it does look fun to play as (I don't play multiplayer Pokemons because I suck but I do observe the metagame out of interest).

And I think I read somewhere that fairies in traditional folklore go out and kill dragons, but I don't have any sources to back that up. But there's this anime called Fairy Tail apparently where there's some dude looking for a dragon.

(Incidentally while remembering that memory of that folklore I also think I read fairies are weak to iron, and there was a very unconfirmed insider Nintendo-will-fire-this-guy-for-sure-if-they-find-out-who-he-is-style rumour that Fairy is going to be weak to Steel)

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-06-11 20:55:38
Back on topic: You've all had enough of E3 updates? Too bad! More E3 updates for you, this time from a live-tweeted round table that there is no video or images of because Game Freak are the greatest trolls known to man.
You kids are lucky I'm sick off work today due to getting 0 hours of sleep last night (unrelated to me staying up late to watch the livestream, I swear! No seriously it is, I'm just here because I might as well be while I'm here). The things I do for you people. SO YOU BETTER ENJOY THIS

- You can choose your language between English and French and Korean and all that sort of thing (every language you ever wanted to care about that isn't Japanese or Chinese, basically). Not that this really matters because the games are internationally released anyway, of course.
- There is some sort of search system for the online functionality. Very descriptive, I know.
- New Water type named Clauncher, and new Water/Poison named Skrelp. You'd like pictures of them, wouldn't you? Tough Pokeblocks.
- The Pokemon-Amie thing is going to actually matter in battle, apparently. As if you don't already need a reason to catch a nice tender Gardevoir, and start petting it gently, letting its soft skin caress your fingert- Sorry, where was I?
- 5 against 1 battles. It is implied that they are difficult.
- There is a new Fire/Flying type called Talonflame
- It is able along with other Flying types and Levitate havers to participate in Sky Battles. Which I can only assume are like regular battles… BUT IN THE SKY!!!one

That's all they're going to tease us with today. Jeez, I sound like some sort of reporter lately.

Oh and tomorrow they're going to post a video of it after all MAY LORD SMOOZE BRING ABOUT AN APOCALYPSE TO YOUR FAMILIES

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Krazyguy75
Date: 2013-06-11 21:57:32
Serebii has pics (as always).

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-06-12 01:25:46
Why have pics when you can have… a video?

I'm curious as to where Serebii got those photos (probably he just gets given photos because he's the goddamned Serebiiman or something), but the extensible customisation picture looks promising. I usually play as the female character, so this looks like I might be able to design myself a girlfriend or something.

so ronery ;_;

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2013-06-12 01:38:18
I'm interested to see how the 5 v 1 battles will work out, and if it will be possible to do in multiplayer, and if there's a level cap for the five Pokemon (Total number of levels must be less than or equal to 100).