Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)
Posted by: Bert
Date: 2013-04-09 15:43:50
I'd like to see a water/poison type hydra Pokémon.
An electric/dark type vacuum Rotom or an electric/steel type TV Rotom would be neat too.
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Following its reveal in CoroCoro on Saturday, The Pokémon Company has now announced the US names of the latest Pokémon. First, Gogoat shall be known as Gogoat. Elikiteru will be known as Helioptile, Yayakoma will be known as Fletchling and Yancham will be known as Pancham. In addition to this, they have also confirmed a few other bits. First, the Karos Region shall be called Kalos and Miare City shall be called Lumiose City. The move Parting Remark will be called Parting Shot and Parabola Charge will be Parabolic Charge.
It also confirms that at certain points you'll be able to get new outfits and accessories for your Trainer! It also confirmed diagonal movement. They also sent a new batch of directfeed screenshots, which have been added to our pre-release screenshot page. Click the image to go to the page
Edit @ 14:47: Created pages on the Kalos Region, as well as various New Mechanics. Both pages will be updated as the months go by
Edit @ 15:21: Created a page on the New Moves
Edit @ 16:01: Pokémon names and move names seem to have increased beyond the 10 & 12 respective character limit. France has called Pancham Pandespiègle which is 2 characters longer, while Parabolic Charge is 16 characters long
Honestly, Dragon isn't that overpowered. Dragon has 2 weaknesses only, but you've got to keep in mind it has very few resistances. As a move type, it is somewhat overpowered, but it has only one super effective: Dragon type. And most Dragons are likely to carry a STAB Dragon move, so that is fairly balanced. And the lack of resistances is good, but on an attack based Pokemon, it's better to have more type coverage, and if you've got a non-attack based dragon and are that worried about coverage, you're not playing very well.
Also, keep in mind that from what they've said so far, Fairy is super effective on Dragon, but they have yet to say that Dragon is not very effective on Fairy. And I highly doubt that will be the case, as it makes little sense how a Dragon's claw will do less damage to a tiny fairy than to a boulder. Then again, Fairies dealing more damage to a dragon also makes little sense.