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Pokémon Discussion

Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6) - Page 6

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2013-10-08 12:06:10

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Thanathan
Date: 2013-10-09 08:16:35


Uhhh nice Thanks.. meh two Days Dx

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: tachi
Date: 2013-10-09 10:20:24


Oh my god, that bottom right one XD. Seriously is THAT it's mega??? Oh dear god.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-10-11 22:15:03
I'll just leave this here.


Yeah, how you like the international date line now? Suck it, America.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: tachi
Date: 2013-10-12 13:24:39

I'll just leave this here.

Yeah, how you like the international date line now? Suck it, America.

gee, foam pokeballs. Seems totally worth pre ordering internationally…

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-10-12 14:24:53

I'll just leave this here.

Yeah, how you like the international date line now? Suck it, America.

gee, foam pokeballs. Seems totally worth pre ordering internationally…

Actually, they're containers that can hold up to three Nintendo DS/3DS games in them. I'm using mine to store Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2013-10-12 14:42:55
Found a Dunsparce in like 20 minutes of playing.

Based GameFreak.

On another note, where can I find that blue Apatosaurus thing?

Edit: Nevermind, Auraura is from a fossil. I am not happy.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2013-10-24 12:03:22

Yeah, how you like the international date line now? Suck it, America.

Actually they were selling X and Y at Wal-Mart a few days before release here so nhyaa :P

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2013-10-24 14:18:17

I'll just leave this here.

Yeah, how you like the international date line now? Suck it, America.

gee, foam pokeballs. Seems totally worth pre ordering internationally…

Actually, they're containers that can hold up to three Nintendo DS/3DS games in them. I'm using mine to store Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

3 slots = X, Y and…. Z?
Also fuck you to whoever stretched the page.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2013-10-24 14:32:33

I'll just leave this here.

Yeah, how you like the international date line now? Suck it, America.

gee, foam pokeballs. Seems totally worth pre ordering internationally…

Actually, they're containers that can hold up to three Nintendo DS/3DS games in them. I'm using mine to store Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

3 slots = X, Y and…. Z?
Also fuck you to whoever stretched the page.

I fixed it.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2013-10-24 19:28:38
I've been enjoying X a lot myself, but I'm going through it slowly (got it the day after release and have 2 badges at the moment.) I'm looking forward to when the RNG gets cracked.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-10-25 01:13:43
Here I was thinking I was pretty slow, I've been playing since release date and I've only just now got up to Frost Cavern. I suppose that's the one downside to having a full-time job. Then again, I have a warped standard of what the average time to complete a game is, e.g. some dude I work with claimed his brother beat the whole game in 2 days. Perhaps he was lying. Oh well.

My overall impression so far is that the game is overall pretty good, but also seems a bit easy. 4/6 of my team are already past level 50 and I only have 6 badges. Either the E4 is going to be much higher levelled than any other region so far, or it really is that easy and the next time I play I should turn off the Exp. Share. Kinda wish they kept the difficulty changing things from B2W2 (or maybe they did and I don't know about them yet).

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-10-25 08:31:07
I thought the game was really easy too. Maybe that was due to the Exp. Share giving experience to every Pokémon. The game is good but I feel the story was not so good, except for (spoilers:) [size=1pt]The story about AZ and his Floette[/size].

Like all main-series Pokémon games, there is a professor, a badge quest, a criminal team and the Elite Four, but I didn't feel there was much effort to make the plot more unique. Pokémon Black and White were better in this respect because Team Plasma's intentions made sense and N was raised to see bad things done to Pokémon so it was only natural that he would try to convince people that releasing Pokémon was good.

With Pokémon X and Y, Team Flare wanted a beautiful world for themselves [size=1pt]without other people or even Pokémon[/size]. In my opinion, it was too late in the game when this was explained and [size=1pt]Lysandre[/size] was probably the only person to justify his view. I didn't quite remember what he was saying though so my argument may be less valid. There wasn't much in the story to indicate Team Flare's true intentions early on. Basically it was just presented like they wanted Team Flare to be happy and no one else.

One good thing about the badge quest at first was that it took a significantly longer time to obtain the second badge after obtaining the first badge, though other people may find this bad. It took a much quicker time to obtain rest of the badges and it felt like the story was progressing quicker than it should, with only a couple of events like [size=1pt]Abomasnow in Forst Cavern[/size] in between.

Relating to this is something that seems to happen with every Pokémon game; the professor wants you to complete the Pokédex and obtain every badge, and this seems to be the main plot aspect. This would probably be better if there was an underlying problem that was more important than the plot, like how you had to stop Ghetsis at the Pokémon League in Black and White, though I do feel that the badge quest is a little overused.

I don't know what a main-series Pokémon game without the badge quest and less emphasis on completing the Pokédex would be like though. Would it lose its identity? I thought Pokémon Colosseum and Pokémon XD were good, but there wasn't much to do except collect and purify all the Shadow Pokémon afterwards.

Having things to do after beating the Pokémon League is unfortunately a problem in Pokémon X and Y, whereas I feel Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 had more things you could do.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2013-10-25 09:56:57
I thought the game was really easy too. Maybe that was due to the Exp. Share giving experience to every Pokémon.

I haven't played Y yet, but I keep hearing this. I think I'm gonna keep the EXP Share off in the beginning, I like somewhat of a challenge.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2013-10-25 21:12:02
Main reason I haven't played much is that I got a 2DS for the purpose of playing XY after never having owned any of the 3DS line. Thus I once again had the drive to play handheld games in general and have spent most of my time on it emulating old stuff. :P Reading that, it doesn't make much sense, but ah well.