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Pokémon Discussion

Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6) - Page 3

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-06-12 01:58:56
Bulbanews has a whole bunch of screenshots on their Twitter, too many to post all of them:

Of course, there's some newsy things to go with it:
- I stand corrected on the language selection not including Japanese, apparently it does. Weeaboos rejoice!
- The male character's name is Xavier, unless that's just some dude's name who they're using for the demo. It could also be the female's name, but that's weird. Another another another update: If these are indeed the default names and not just arbitrary demo names, the female is named Yvonne.
- Game Freak is working on importing stuff from Gen 5 to Gen 6. Not too surprising, but this means that they aren't going to change mechanics like IVs and EVs because that would break backwards compatibility (see also: Why you can't go from Gen 2 to Gen 3)
- It will read your friends list. They have not confirmed the absence of a feature where it will see that you don't have any friends, and laugh at you.
- You can ride on a Rhyhorn now. DAMMIT THAT WAS ALMOST A PUN
- Talonflame evolves from Fletchling (the little bird thing that was revealed ages ago). If the latter is available early game like most small birds, Fennekin is going to have to be good to compete with it.

and if there's a level cap for the five Pokemon (Total number of levels must be less than or equal to 100).

I very much hope that if there is a level cap, it's configurable or can be turned off entirely. Let the players decide their own challenges if they want, I say.

Another update: According to that Gamespot place, Pokemon X and Y are going to be $39.99 each in the US. This means in Australia, they will cost something like $99 (based on how much all other technology stuff costs compared to the US here). Gotta love that exchange rate of 1 USD = 1.06 AUD. Wait, what?
EDIT: Yeah, alright. Next time I'll actually do some research before making snarky comments in jest. They'll be $68AUD here. (However, 68 is a lot more than (39.99 * 1.06 = 42.3894), so my jimmies are still a bit rustled)

Another another update: According to this, you can only choose languages at the start of the game. I suppose that's a bit of a letdown, because I don't see any reason why they need to have it work that way. So if any of you had secret evil plans about learning another language using this, go to plan B.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: camper
Date: 2013-06-12 10:54:35
You can ride on a Rhyhorn? Can you ride on a Rhydon then?

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2013-06-12 17:14:23
>Five Wobbufetts with Shadow Tag
>Five high-level Boldores with Explosion
>Five Dugtrio with Arena Trap


Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Ketsuban
Date: 2013-06-13 00:25:46

Sounds familiar...

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-06-13 04:08:06

You can ride on a Rhyhorn? Can you ride on a Rhydon then?

That was the pun that I could almost make, but couldn't because they haven't mentioned Rhydon yet.

>Five Wobbufetts with Shadow Tag
>Five high-level Boldores with Explosion
>Five Dugtrio with Arena Trap


At least the Dugtrio would hit each other with Magnitude/Earthquake, and the Wobbuffets can only counter you if you attack that individual one specifically (plus they wouldn't have Encore/anything to switch to and abuse it either), so you can just sit there statting up.

Oh, and have another update:
Apparently the Pokemon Company thinks a recap video means "a video that includes details which weren't specified in the thing that it's recapping". With that said, here's some points of interest:
- PSS is by the looks of it going to be the thing-that-goes-on-the-bottom-touchscreen-thing for this generation, like C-Gear and whatnot. I don't know what they mean by "always online trading" (the first two words of which do not resonate well with me), but the optimistic guess as to what this might do is that you can trade and battle online whenever you want using this. Of course, I could be wrong.
- 3d shit without the cel shader added to it be freaky, yo.
- The dragon type is overpowered after all (and this is why they added the Fairy type), because Ishihara said so. You were saying, Krazyguy75?
- The region is based on France because it looks nice, but they're not supposed to have told us that.

Other than that, same stuff as before but now you know what it looks like.

Update again! This time, it's another trailer.
And some updates on the main site. Overwhelmed with news yet? No? Well I'll just keep posting, then.

- Two new Pokemon: Litleo, Scatterbug, Spewpa (evolves from Scatterbug) and Flabébé, the latter of which joins Gardevoir in being a Fairy type and having a friggin' unpronounceable name.
- You will have four "special friends". 20 dollars says they'll turn out to be your rivals. (Or maybe they mean "special friend" in a different way. I wouldn't mind the Serena (the blonde one)… Sorry. My brain got distracted again)
- The starting town and first gym town have been revealed. Your family has a pet Rhyhorn. You have lollerskates, as seen in the trailer.
- The first gym leader has also been revealed. Her name is Viola, and she's a photographer. According to that previous link her gym contains bugs. If this is a setup for some kind of "shutterbug" related pun I will find the person responsible and punch them.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2013-07-04 16:01:09
So guys, how 'bout that new bitchin' sword Pokemon? It's Ghost/Steel type, to boot.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2013-07-06 17:24:02

So guys, how 'bout that new bitchin' sword Pokemon? It's Ghost/Steel type, to boot.

I disliked it at first, but now I kinda like it.
You have to put into consideration that Game Freak carefully plans what Pokemon/types go into the new games for years too. It's obviously there for a reason. I hope it evolves into something badass.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Krazyguy75
Date: 2013-07-06 20:52:13

So guys, how 'bout that new bitchin' sword Pokemon? It's Ghost/Steel type, to boot.

I disliked it at first, but now I kinda like it.
You have to put into consideration that Game Freak carefully plans what Pokemon/types go into the new games for years too. It's obviously there for a reason. I hope it evolves into something badass.

Still waiting for my Psychic/Dark.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Bert
Date: 2013-07-06 21:51:56

So guys, how 'bout that new bitchin' sword Pokemon? It's Ghost/Steel type, to boot.

I disliked it at first, but now I kinda like it.
You have to put into consideration that Game Freak carefully plans what Pokemon/types go into the new games for years too. It's obviously there for a reason. I hope it evolves into something badass.

If it doesn't evolve into a gigantic zweihander with a billowing cape, I'll be very disappointed.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2013-07-07 12:45:16

So guys, how 'bout that new bitchin' sword Pokemon? It's Ghost/Steel type, to boot.

I disliked it at first, but now I kinda like it.
You have to put into consideration that Game Freak carefully plans what Pokemon/types go into the new games for years too. It's obviously there for a reason. I hope it evolves into something badass.

If it doesn't evolve into a gigantic zweihander with a billowing cape, I'll be very disappointed.

If it evolves into some kind of badass armor I would be okay with that.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-07-08 04:10:35
Stand the fuck back people. I'm about to deliver: The absolute mother of all news.

Everything in this article sounds pretty legit.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Krazyguy75
Date: 2013-07-08 09:09:55

Stand the f**k back people. I'm about to deliver: The absolute mother of all news.

Everything in this article sounds pretty legit.

I might sense some sarcasm…

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2013-07-08 23:24:18
Fennekin's final evolution will be Fire / Fighting type.

ha ha ha HEHAEHAFSDFFfczx

Sounds legit.

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2013-07-11 05:48:32
So: Yveltal is a Dark/Flying type, Xerneas is mono Fairy, and there's a fairy floss Pokemon now by the name of Peropuff.

Should be interesting. I wonder if you can eat Peropuff along with Vanilluxe etc (okay, that's very unlikely, but it would be delicious)

Re: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y announced (Gen 6)

Posted by: SCared_Fir3
Date: 2013-07-12 22:21:24

So: Yveltal is a Dark/Flying type, Xerneas is mono Fairy, and there's a fairy floss Pokemon now by the name of Peropuff.

Should be interesting. I wonder if you can eat Peropuff along with Vanilluxe etc (okay, that's very unlikely, but it would be delicious)

With the types released, I'm definitley going to get Y version. I don't know how I feel about Fairy type yet.