Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C
Posted by: silverlucario
Date: 2008-01-15 08:51:25
But instead of the expected Graveler, this huge, geometric, globulous THING crawls across the screen. "Wild ????? appeared!" Level 0, female, and I'm not sure about the cry since I had the volume all the way down. It also read that I had already caught it before (little Pokeball symbol) which is utter NONSENSE! My very first thoughts at this were "….holy. frig." then "wait, isn't this thing only obtainable in the wild via cheating device?" and then "OMG NO MY GAME IS MESSED UP" so, in my panic… I ran. =_= I regret not catching it since I had just saved prior and I'm usually one to take risks that might cost my saved game file. For the next hour, I was paranoid that I would find another one but sadly I didn't. I haven't returned to the patch of grass were I encountered it (I actually remember the exact tile and direction I was facing…)
The only different things about this particular gaming session were that I was playing on the GB tower in Stadium 2 (I know what you're thinking. Why was the volume all the way down? This, friends, is because I was playing at 2 in the morning when I should've been sleeping. I don't have any headphones.) and that I had messed around with bad clones before… Is how I obtained my Oddish with Kinesis and Crunch and my nameless Tauros with a Lugia moveset. I had the Tauros in my party, but I have since I got it which was months ago and I put it in the daycare and took it out so it's completely stablized.
Eh. Maybe I'll go back to that grass patch today…