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Generation II Glitch Discussion

Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C - Page 6

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: silverlucario
Date: 2008-01-15 08:51:25
I have actually encountered ????? in the wild on my Crystal Version while I was EV training my Pupitar on route 45. (I know I don't usually EV train but I really want an ?ber Tyranitar…) I had just saved the game because I had grown a level and learned Scary Face, and then I continued biking around in the grass. Do-dee-do OH NOES a wild Pokeyman lolololololol!!!111oneone

But instead of the expected Graveler, this huge, geometric, globulous THING crawls across the screen. "Wild ????? appeared!" Level 0, female, and I'm not sure about the cry since I had the volume all the way down. It also read that I had already caught it before (little Pokeball symbol) which is utter NONSENSE! My very first thoughts at this were "….holy. frig." then "wait, isn't this thing only obtainable in the wild via cheating device?" and then "OMG NO MY GAME IS MESSED UP" so, in my panic… I ran.  =_=  I regret not catching it since I had just saved prior and I'm usually one to take risks that might cost my saved game file. For the next hour, I was paranoid that I would find another one but sadly I didn't. I haven't returned to the patch of grass were I encountered it (I actually remember the exact tile and direction I was facing…)

The only different things about this particular gaming session were that I was playing on the GB tower in Stadium 2 (I know what you're thinking. Why was the volume all the way down? This, friends, is because I was playing at 2 in the morning when I should've been sleeping. I don't have any headphones.) and that I had messed around with bad clones before… Is how I obtained my Oddish with Kinesis and Crunch and my nameless Tauros with a Lugia moveset. I had the Tauros in my party, but I have since I got it which was months ago and I put it in the daycare and took it out so it's completely stablized.

Eh. Maybe I'll go back to that grass patch today…

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Darkness_LordII
Date: 2009-01-04 18:05:21
Ive heard rumour about getting ????? with the nintendo 64 pokemon staduim 2. the rumour is about removing the game boy game when you are cloning pokemon. Unlike on a real game boy , on the nintendo 64 it would produce the ????? glitch. I don'T think its true thought but we never know

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: agusganog
Date: 2009-01-14 15:32:51
Does the hex of letters and numbers in G/S/C correspond to the hex of the letters and numbers of R/B/Y?

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: mubblelyon
Date: 2009-07-28 08:07:46
Well ????? is a pokemon that can only be accesed by hacking the game
genrally with gameshark but the game shark code for it works in this way:
it tells the  game to make a certain pokemon appear what that pokemon is depends on the two pokemon digits in the code fore example bulabsuar code could be 4R (it isnt really) but if you put in a number for a pokemon that doesnt exist… the game wotn know what to make appear there for cusing its name sprite antacks etc to be nothing to do with real pokemon! :) :) :) hope u understood tis lol!!!

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-07-28 10:47:49

Well ????? is a pokemon that can only be accesed by hacking the game
genrally with gameshark but the game shark code for it works in this way:
it tells the  game to make a certain pokemon appear what that pokemon is depends on the two pokemon digits in the code fore example bulabsuar code could be 4R (it isnt really) but if you put in a number for a pokemon that doesnt exist… the game wotn know what to make appear there for cusing its name sprite antacks etc to be nothing to do with real pokemon! :) :) :) hope u understood tis lol!!!

Okay… First, please read the rules.  Second, it is fairly obvious you know next to nothing about hexadecimal.  And third, ????? is not yet proven to only be accessible through a gameshark (read through the earlier pages of this thread to see my theory of how you could do that).

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-07-28 23:37:29

Well ????? is a pokemon that can only be accesed by hacking the game
genrally with gameshark but the game shark code for it works in this way:
it tells the  game to make a certain pokemon appear what that pokemon is depends on the two pokemon digits in the code fore example bulabsuar code could be 4R (it isnt really) but if you put in a number for a pokemon that doesnt exist… the game wotn know what to make appear there for cusing its name sprite antacks etc to be nothing to do with real pokemon! :) :) :) hope u understood tis lol!!!

Okay… First, please read the rules.  Second, it is fairly obvious you know next to nothing about hexadecimal.  And third, ????? is not yet proven to only be accessible through a gameshark (read through the earlier pages of this thread to see my theory of how you could do that).
And fourth, it just reads data it is not suppost to.

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Liam
Date: 2009-08-13 19:06:38
Not offending anyone but of you know what a missingno was you would realize it is in every pokemon game probably always will

In generation 1 and 2 missingno is much easy to get and more fun. I suggested actually glitching rather than hack or cheating to get this pokemon. Hacking in generation 1 and 2 is nothing but death to your cartridge but is a saint in later generations

And also to the user who replied earlier you can get glitched eggs in crystal and it's very very simple it cones with the celebi glitch . Happy glitching ;)

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-08-13 21:04:34

Not offending anyone but of you know what a missingno was you would realize it is in every pokemon game probably always will


Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-08-13 22:07:13

Not offending anyone but of you know what a missingno was you would realize it is in every pokemon game probably always will

In generation 1 and 2 missingno is much easy to get and more fun. I suggested actually glitching rather than hack or cheating to get this pokemon. Hacking in generation 1 and 2 is nothing but death to your cartridge but is a saint in later generations

And also to the user who replied earlier you can get glitched eggs in crystal and it's very very simple it cones with the celebi glitch . Happy glitching ;)

The above post is Captain Picard Facepalming.

Anyway, MissingNo is NOT in G/S/C/R/S/Fr/Lg/E/D/P/Pt.

MissingNo is a G/R/B/Y ONLY glitch and looks like a backwards L, a ghost, or a Fossil.

G/S/C has ????? which looks like a scambled map or item bag.

R/S/Fr/Lg/E has ?????????? which looks like a ? in 3 circles and ? which looks like two giant ?s.

D/P/Pt has this… black or white pixelated box thing called [blank] or —– depending on what its color is.

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Inquisitor
Date: 2009-08-17 03:13:07

Not offending anyone but of you know what a missingno was you would realize it is in every pokemon game probably always will


The only other glitch related to MissingNo. is the third generation "?" because it exists for similar reasons.

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-08-20 20:02:19

Not offending anyone but of you know what a missingno was you would realize it is in every pokemon game probably always will

In generation 1 and 2 missingno is much easy to get and more fun. I suggested actually glitching rather than hack or cheating to get this pokemon. Hacking in generation 1 and 2 is nothing but death to your cartridge but is a saint in later generations

And also to the user who replied earlier you can get glitched eggs in crystal and it's very very simple it cones with the celebi glitch . Happy glitching ;)


In before Abwayax posts "The most important word of all time".

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2009-09-06 12:40:05
Some interfaces on Pokemon G/S/C attempt to give a ???? if no Pok??mon is defined like some of the glitch phone numbers Gary 'M 9 found, and I think a few TMs too (if they are used outside the TM/HM pocket), so if there is a way to obtain either a glitch contact or TM in the wrong pocket through the use of a previous glitch maybe we could obtain one without a 'bad clone'.

The only problem is most of those glitch phone contacts etc seem to crash the game when you call them so I don't know if its possible to change their behaviour in-game somehow.

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Phoenix
Date: 2009-11-29 23:48:29
Hello, This is my first post, so Hi everyone!
Anyways, I have not tried this out myself but I have heard of players eventually getting a ????? like glitch from repeated bad clones. Not sure how this works though. 

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-12-02 09:53:04

Hello, This is my first post, so Hi everyone!
Anyways, I have not tried this out myself but I have heard of players eventually getting a ????? like glitch from repeated bad clones. Not sure how this works though. 

Exactly.  No one knows how it works.  Practice the timing and you might get it a lot, you might not.

Re: Studies on the possibility of getting ????? in G/S/C

Posted by: Phoenix
Date: 2009-12-02 15:09:53

Hello, This is my first post, so Hi everyone!
Anyways, I have not tried this out myself but I have heard of players eventually getting a ????? like glitch from repeated bad clones. Not sure how this works though. 

Exactly.  No one knows how it works.  Practice the timing and you might get it a lot, you might not.

I personally find this to be very confusing. Over that past few days I've been trying but I'm still getting nothing.