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Generation II Glitch Discussion

G/S/C glitch discussion - Page 5

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: Xelrog T. Apocalypse
Date: 2013-10-04 12:56:48
You can trade all ????? except FE, due to the stats glitch. You can trade Eggs actually (as long as you aren't left with no usable Pokémon) as well as glitch Eggs, so that might be a way of trading FE if you have it in an Egg, though I'm not totally sure.

Shoot… I guess that means FE isn't an option, then. I don't want to send an egg from the Celebi Egg Glitch that'll hatch into an FE to my final files because hatching them will glitch the Pokedex.

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: MrGlitch
Date: 2013-12-04 22:31:15
Alright, I've been playing around with the memory on Gold and had a question.

Changing the first byte at address 0049 to "13" results in all sorts of seemingly random glitch effects.  However, I can never seem to get past two points:

1. the point where the Lapras sprite would appear in the introduction. The game cuts straight to the title screen after the screen starts moving upwards during the introduction, but before that sprite appears.
2. the point where Professor Elm's sprite would appear when a new game is selected (after the clock setting dialogue).  The game usually locks up or resets at this point. (All resets I've encountered so far are Glitch Dimension resets using the current palette when the game crashes for the first time.)

So whatever this address is clearly messes up the graphics quite a bit…but does anyone know why the game seemingly can't continue past these points?

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: Bent`
Date: 2013-12-05 18:34:20
$0048 is where the LCD status interrupt is. The first instruction there is a jump. Changing $0049 makes it jump somewhere else.

Start investigating there.

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: kazblox
Date: 2013-12-11 16:54:16
I was able to do a one-time mash trick with the Box Cloning Exploit to get a Surfing Pikachu. I may explain the glitch later if somebody can provide an accurate emulator that can frame advance. :I Also the video has no audio, because VBA-M decided to not count the times I pressed "space", so I deleted the sound track in Vegas.

On the other hand, the graphics in Gold glitch out on me once in a while.


Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2013-12-11 22:23:34

I was able to do a one-time mash trick with the Box Cloning Exploit to get a Surfing Pikachu. I may explain the glitch later if somebody can provide an accurate emulator that can frame advance. :I Also the video has no audio, because VBA-M decided to not count the times I pressed "space", so I deleted the sound track in Vegas.

On the other hand, the graphics in Gold glitch out on me once in a while.


I never even knew that Pikachu had its own Surfing sprite!

Is this glitch reproducible on a cartridge? (You don't need to actually test it, just giving your emulator revision would be sufficient to tell.)

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: kazblox
Date: 2013-12-12 07:29:25

I was able to do a one-time mash trick with the Box Cloning Exploit to get a Surfing Pikachu. I may explain the glitch later if somebody can provide an accurate emulator that can frame advance. :I Also the video has no audio, because VBA-M decided to not count the times I pressed "space", so I deleted the sound track in Vegas.

On the other hand, the graphics in Gold glitch out on me once in a while.


I never even knew that Pikachu had its own Surfing sprite!

Is this glitch reproducible on a cartridge? (You don't need to actually test it, just giving your emulator revision would be sufficient to tell.)

If you get it on the exact timing (it took me 30 minutes)

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: kazblox
Date: 2013-12-12 15:06:46
It seems that the "warped" clone seems to have a corrupted XP algorithm, if you saw my video. When I fought the poliwag, the xp bar was full for a split second then reverted back to normal. XP points: 270000

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: Patashu
Date: 2013-12-12 16:28:23

I was able to do a one-time mash trick with the Box Cloning Exploit to get a Surfing Pikachu. I may explain the glitch later if somebody can provide an accurate emulator that can frame advance. :I


Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2013-12-12 17:15:57

It seems that the "warped" clone seems to have a corrupted XP algorithm, if you saw my video. When I fought the poliwag, the xp bar was full for a split second then reverted back to normal. XP points: 270000

270000 is Lapras's experience at level 60. (Lapras uses the 'Slow' growth rate) Experience is calculated outside of battle based on the donor. It seems you hybridized Pikachu (which became the donor) with Lapras (original Pokémon). Pikachu's experience at level 60 is lower (216000) because it uses the Medium Fast growth rate.

If this was a non-hybrid Pikachu that was hacked to have 270000 experience at level 60, it would jump a few levels after gaining experience (the minimum is level 64 I believe) but the fact that Pikachu is the donor and Lapras is the recipient messes things up. I don't know exactly why, but I presume the game still calculates the level in battle as if it was a Lapras, hence it's still level 60 if it doesn't gain enough experience to level up but then for a split second the game shows the experience bar is full, probably because it would level up if it was a true Pikachu.

Incidentally, in Generation I you can level a Pokémon above level 100 if the recipient's growth rate is faster than the donor's because the game calculates the recipient's level but max experience is capped to the donor (see this video) and it's probably possible in Generation II, too but in the 'base stats data structure' there is a byte that is normally 0x64 for every Pokémon, so I suspect this might cap it at level 100 but I haven't anything to prove that.

Following the same rules, your Pikachu/Lapras hybrid will never be able to reach level 100 without Rare Candies (it caps at level 92).

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: kazblox
Date: 2013-12-14 15:43:12

On the other hand, the graphics in Gold glitch out on me once in a while.


Well, can anybody explain this? I got it in the latest VBA-M from sourceforge.

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: Stackout
Date: 2013-12-14 17:47:20

On the other hand, the graphics in Gold glitch out on me once in a while.


Well, can anybody explain this? I got it in the latest VBA-M from sourceforge.

Tried using bgb?

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2013-12-14 22:19:11

On the other hand, the graphics in Gold glitch out on me once in a while.


Well, can anybody explain this? I got it in the latest VBA-M from sourceforge.

Tried using bgb?

VBA-M's in development hell and is buggy.  It IS trying to aim for emulation at a state of bgb or other very accurate emulators but its builds have major bugs atm.

Also, make sure your ROM is a good dump and not a damaged/inaccurate one.

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: kazblox
Date: 2013-12-16 20:26:41
The glitch I found is also used to warp Pidgey with Geodude in order to read combified bits to make a bad clone. See it in speedruns. :I

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: MidnightNinetales
Date: 2014-01-02 23:35:41
This is MysticFlygon. I had to make a new account because I couldn't get into my old one.

The other day, I was playing my new save file on Crystal, the same one that I had glitched too much and corrupted the save file on, and just when the battle with my rival in Azalea Town was about to happen, after he had finished speaking, the game reset and displayed the message that it could only be played on the Game Boy Color. The only glitch I had done in the new save file was cloning, and I hadn't gotten any bad clones (though I was hoping to). Is it possible for the the previous, corrupted save file to be affecting this save file? Or is there some other explanation?

Re: G/S/C glitch discussion

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2014-01-03 03:44:54
I've had random things like that happen before. For example, in Yellow on my Game Boy Advance SP I had static play and the game freeze shortly after, after moving. It might be a connection problem with the cartridge, though I'm not sure. The game is prone to freezing just by shifting the cartridge is a little.

I've also had things like that happen all the time on a Crystal with a dead battery.

This is MysticFlygon. I had to make a new account because I couldn't get into my old one.

If your problem is an incorrect password, I think I can change the password if you like, then you can change it again.