Re: Arbitrary code execution in Gold/Silver UE using the Coin Case
Posted by: spamviech
Date: 2018-02-25 09:51:33
Don't forget the terminator character at the end of box name 1 which is a "ld d,b" instruction. Here it doesn't really change anything (maybe set 0 flag), but still could add confusion when you forget it.
ld instructions do not update flags, so the $50 terminator "ld d,b" isn't really worth mentioning in this context.
Ah, so they don't.
I always forget since I never had to use them other then after specifically setting them (i.e. by dec statement).
I was also wondering about this. What values or value ranges of each of these would be needed to make a suitable slide pokémon? As in, just a regular working slide pokémon, not a specific one like the special coin case one which jumps over a lot of these factors.
Not contain any values that interrupt execution, jump somewhere else or set a random byte.
In general you're fine with values <10.
If you plan to look at values anyway I'd advice to use TM17 instead of TM25. IIRC it starts execution somewhere in the stats of Pokémon 1 (i.e. slide as first, quagsire as second) instead of some invisible value of pokémon 2.