Re: Arbitrary code execution in Gold/Silver UE using the Coin Case
Posted by: greentyphlosion
Date: 2019-12-25 18:18:03
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From my understanding, what the code does is take the character's hex value, subtract $80, and use the end result as the item.
't ($d5) - ($80) = $55, which should return Red Apricorns.
Unfortunately, The hex value of PP Ups ($3e) + ($80) = ($BE), which is not able to be represented as a valid character.
If you would like, i can alter the code to produce PP Ups.
Edit: Change box 2 to p0'v'vYé7't
Hope this helps!
From my understanding, what the code does is take the character's hex value, subtract $80, and use the end result as the item.
't ($d5) - ($80) = $55, which should return Red Apricorns.
Unfortunately, The hex value of PP Ups ($3e) + ($80) = ($BE), which is not able to be represented as a valid character.
If you would like, i can alter the code to produce PP Ups.
Edit: Change box 2 to p0'v'vYé7't
Hope this helps!
I'm very new to this. Any chance you could help me with the code for Twisted Spoon ? Would be much appreciated! Thanks
Pokemon 5, Move 4 Modifier (Aeroblast) - Box 1, change r to whatever and replace 5555 with 'v(Letter)55 or 'v(Letter)'v(Letter) when needed:
Box 1: Ap0r5555 (XOR A; OR b1)
Box 2: é455555 (LD [efda], A)
Box 3+: 55555555
Box 13 and 14: Should never be modified after using the required code.
Thank you so much for helping out. Pardon my ignorance but how do you input Apostrophe into the box name? It doesn't show up as a character. I'm on Pokemon Gold on the Gameboy and using the coin case .
> Box 1: Ap0?5555 (XOR A OR e6 ) ; xor A or E6 basically means reset to 0 and add E6 (?).
> Box 2: 'vGéG4555 ; 'vA is subtract 86 because e6-86 is 60 (TwistedSpoon; see (LD [dA8C], a). E6 is a ? mark. The bold M is taken from 8C in DA8C. 4 is FA; but FA8C is the basically the same as DA and works on VC.
> Box 3-12: 55555555
; As usual Box 13/14 remain the same
My game restarts with a different colour. My 3rd 'slide' Pokemon now knows solarbeam as its first move, not sure if that's the result ? hah
It worked! It had to do with the fact that you were turning off menu account in settings? I had no idea that was a thing to do. Thank you so much for the video. You are a legend.
How many ACE mode has Pokémon Gold and Silver?