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Video Games Discussion

Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game? - Page 5

Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2008-09-30 20:56:28
I hate that too. Even now it still spooks me. I do hate Boos, from the Mario games. Big Boo, from Super Mario World, used to creep me out. When he turned around to face you, he sent chills down my spine. I also hate Victims in Silent Hill 4: The Room. Cynthia, - Victim #16, scares me to death. When you knock her down, sometimes she'll slither away on the ground, and ugh…. It is just damn right creepy…. I hate it.

Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: Missingnoguy55
Date: 2008-09-30 22:07:31
I used to think that if timers hit 00:00, the world would end. I was 4 or 5 at the time.


Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: MissingNO. #1 Master
Date: 2008-10-05 02:24:54

The scariest game experiance I've ever had, was when I was on my computer. I had turned the moniter off and went for a walk. I was on Age of Mythology (a game I play when I have nothing better to really do). When I came back and turned on the moniter, a Barbie game was staring me in the face. I would NEVER own or even play a Barbie game, and my only siblings are brothers. They both claimed that they had nothing to do with it. I threw the game in the trash. I still don't know which one did it, or HOW they got a Barbie game, but turing on the moniter to Barbie is the creepiest thing on earth. I was almost tempted to throw my computer away for even having the disk in it. *Shivers* I HATE GIRLY CRAP LIKE THAT!!! When I saw that game, I fell back and hit my head against the metal on my head. I had a headache for hours. It may not've been scary as in horror scary, but it was creepy.

Well, when your brother goes for a walk, load up Earthbound (or Mother 2), so that when HE turns on the monitor, Giygas will be staring HIM in the face!

Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: Mezase Master
Date: 2008-10-06 07:47:16

The scariest game experiance I've ever had, was when I was on my computer. I had turned the moniter off and went for a walk. I was on Age of Mythology (a game I play when I have nothing better to really do). When I came back and turned on the moniter, a Barbie game was staring me in the face. I would NEVER own or even play a Barbie game, and my only siblings are brothers. They both claimed that they had nothing to do with it. I threw the game in the trash. I still don't know which one did it, or HOW they got a Barbie game, but turing on the moniter to Barbie is the creepiest thing on earth. I was almost tempted to throw my computer away for even having the disk in it. *Shivers* I HATE GIRLY CRAP LIKE THAT!!! When I saw that game, I fell back and hit my head against the metal on my head. I had a headache for hours. It may not've been scary as in horror scary, but it was creepy.

Well, when your brother goes for a walk, load up Earthbound (or Mother 2), so that when HE turns on the monitor, Giygas will be staring HIM in the face!
I hope you're not suggesting emulation.

Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: Guy
Date: 2008-10-06 20:18:25
Scared of something in a game? Hmm…that reminds me of when I had Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the GBC…that whole game was so creepy! The story, being early in the Harry Potter series, wasn't a part of it, but the graphics and music in the game were just…creepy. First of all I guess there's the time when Ron is throwing up slugs and all. If you look at his stats screen his whole image has the colors screwed up, which was pretty creepy in my opinion. Next I guess there's the fight against Aragog. When you fought him, you wouldn't fight the whole spider itself, but rather it's…well feelers I guess. Yeah Aragog was on the screen, but the way he doesn't move and is less detailed makes him look more like a background image, while his weird looking thingies executed attacks and stuff. Would have been fine if they still executed all the attacks but at least make it look less creepy! Jeesh! Anyway, next there's the fight against Malfoy in the dueling club. During the cutscene and the battle, it plays this slow, sad, creepy music for no particular reason at all! I had turn on iTunes and start playing Come Together to get my mind off of it. And all in all the graphics were just really depressing. Anyway, that's my post.

Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: MissingNo
Date: 2008-10-24 20:20:19
Aaaaaah yes.

MissingNo and all its' forms still give me the goosebumps when I encounter them.

Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: :56 ERROR
Date: 2008-10-25 15:19:23
(The scariest part for me in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets for the GBC is when you're walking down that hall after Nearly Headless Nicks deathday party and the snake hisses and says weird things. I freaked so hard when that happened.)

In Ecco: The Tides of Time for the Sega Genesis, there is a level with really ominous and creepy music. Sea of Darkness I think. Anyway, I remember when I was 7 and I was playing it when there was suddenly a power outage in the whole neighbourhood. I was on that exact level and the music was STUCK in my head! The only person other than me in the house was my sister (and she loved to scare me back then) So I sat there in the darkness, petrified by fear and that music in my head, then I hear her come up the stairs and… BOO! *scream* Yea, now I look back and that was pretty damn funny.

Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: blitzer
Date: 2008-10-29 21:12:10

(Er, what's with the new look? I liked the old skin. *Shot*)

Well, I still love the Silent Hill, games but I'm fed up of our version of the first one. Fucking "censors" replaced the gray children, with brown bear, called Mumblers, and they scare the shit out of me. Fucking things! I have a picture of one, and they creep me out. If I'm in the dark, or in a small room, I feel scared, because its where they appear from. When you least expect it. *Shudders* Now, I can't play the first one anymore because I'm in the UK, and our version the PAL, version pretty much sucks. In America, they have demon kids with knives, while ours are replaced with brown little bears with claws, that scare me half to death. It's in my attachment below. Why am I scared of them? I have no idea. I've been spooked by these little buggers since I was 11. It's annoying!

Mature/Adults Only Game x Europe = Freaky lovechildren with obsession with…stuff that babies stereotypically like.

Re: Have you ever been afraid of one thing or part in a game?

Posted by: *crash20
Date: 2008-10-29 22:20:14
Whenever a glitch happens in a game, mostly pokemon, when you're not expecting it. Such as my little evil Jigglypuff scare. (Long Story)