Re: Press Ctrl+V or Cmd+V or whatever and post
Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2019-02-22 18:24:55
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Eww, there are a LOT of things I'd criticize in that code.
go see a doctor
somethings wrong with my knee. it's like my brain is facing my penis in a chess match. it feels like something is off or dislocated or something. it just started tonight. eaelir today i tried to crack it (this morning actually) by doing that thing where i bend the knee off to the inner direction to the side without aso moving the leg, so it would crack, but i coiuldnt get it to work and maybe i overdid it and then later in the night it felt like it wouldnt move the same way and its like theres something blocking it now. idk what to do. f**k me