Re: The Final Solution
Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2007-06-25 21:49:11
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Why don't you make one for me? I like those sig images.
I like the style you have. So here's my request:
I notice you usually put in the word "Foobot", and below that, some nice adjective. I'd like you to put in the place of Foobot "Don Watermeleon", and in the place of said adjective "Usurpation". And for the background image, find something really holy and angelic, with a lot of white and gold and stuff. And some crosses. Those are always nice.
[glow=green,2,300][shadow=green,left]1600+2 shall succeed![/shadow][/glow]
By the way,I haven't seen any Knights of the Council of AGS on the internet.Or is it…THAT YOU MADE IT UP!!*drama and terror music*
yes yes his knights exised and for 2 days thay pronounced me their "idol" sigh
they use to have a webpage but freebb is bein dumb