Re: The Introduction Thread
Posted by: Robjoe1107
Date: 2006-05-15 08:13:41
Even though I'm not a part of the Pok?mon community, I still enjoy the series muchly (as much as I love Sonic and classic Doom). I own all the canon US games (minus XD, because I hate it), and I have bought (but not yet recieved) a JPN Green off of eBay. I have a completed Pok?Dex on Red, and am working on Crystal and Sapphire (all 386, not just Hoenn's 202). Yea, I'm pretty hardcore. =P My favorite Generation is #2 (Johto), follow closely by #1 (Kanto), and my least favorite is #3 (Hoenn); although I enjoy them all.
Around the onic community, I mainly work on my hack of a game rarely touched - Sonic 3 & Knuckles. My hack sports new layouts, pallettes, and Special Stages. It isn't phenominal or anything, but it's something.
And that's pretty much me in a nutshell.