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Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters - Page 1

Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-03-05 08:49:36
This thread is connected with this page on Glitch City Laboratories.

Do you know a Pok?mon or Glitch myth that someone told you, or that you read on some site? Do you want answers from the experts on something that you think is a myth? Do you want the myth you posted to possibly be put on the Glitch City Laboratories site? Post it here, and let the Glitch City MythBusters get to work!

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: white dragon bionut
Date: 2006-03-10 19:56:19
on a site, i saw something that said if you have a tm, and a potion, theres a way to make it so that a pokemon learns a glitch skill called potion. can ya bust (or prove it?)  ???

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-03-10 21:01:52
Most probably a fake. Ace, while going through data for your Big List, did you examine all the Glitch Attacks?

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-03-10 21:04:17
Not all. I pretty much labeled everything between the last normal attack and HM01 "Super Glitch" and forgot about it.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-03-10 21:05:51

Not all. I pretty much labeled everything between the last normal attack and HM01 "Super Glitch" and forgot about it.

Meh. More work for Melchior 4 then. >>;

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: GoldenChaos
Date: 2006-03-11 20:59:58
Hey, dudes. I read a gitch to where you can create your own pokemon. It involved a GameShark or ActionReplay, and either Missing No., 'M, A, or a. You had to use the Pokemon Box is Pokemon Stadium 1 or 2. I've tried every code, glitch, and hacking skill I've ever learneed and it wouldn't work. However, I'm a amature reseacher and need an expert's opinion. Did I bust it on my own? ???

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: ACE91
Date: 2006-03-13 09:37:58
Create your own Pok?mon? That would be impossible with a glitch alone. You'd have to hack the game's code, which is stored in ROM and can't be edited without reinstalling it completely. A Gameshark could pass any kind of data to the game you wanted, but it couldn't alter the underlying code, just the gamesave and whatever events are currently happening. Still, someone I knew from NSider Forums claims to have done this on Ruby Version, although I still don't believe him about it…

Also, why just MissingNo., 'M, A, or a? There's little that they all have in common besides being glitches. MissingNo., 'M, and A are full glitches, but a is a hybrid. It sounds like a hoax to me, just from the requirements.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-03-13 14:09:59
if you get all stars on your trainer card, you get a ruby/sapphire/emerald, respective to the version.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: GoldenChaos
Date: 2006-03-13 19:31:29
Who is this user from NSider that hacked the game? I wanna learn how to do that! I don't know much about game hacking, I only recently got into it along with my intrests in glitches. BTW, could you answer this for me: Why does 'M automaticly save when you encounter it? This has got me perplexed…

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-03-13 22:22:41
'm auto-saves because it thinks you're in a link battle?

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2006-03-15 19:32:47
It does? Im a Glitch Hunter I've been after 'M and MissingNo. for years and he's never auto-saved my games never but..this happened to me on my Yellow when I was trying to a Mew I used my brother's game cart. put in the codes I though was right so I would get attacked by a lvl 5 Mew but oh well I was wrong, I got attacked the Mew was ment to be was nothing more of a cube/block of Pixels plus it's cry was MissingNo.'s cry and when i send out my Blastiose at the time the Mew was there it said for it's name MissingNo. but when it attacked me it said: Wild Mew Appeared! so I though finaly gonna get one but i was really wrong ever since my Yellow has been crashing my Stadium plus trying to delete my saved files but ever since I've restarted it around 3 times this year it's been find still annying oh well, plus here's something strange, one day I was playing my Gold and Silver well I started up Silver and Lugia was in his color's so I loaded up my file the colors were all mixed and badly messed up I was in Glitch City I don't know how it happened but it did same with me Gold, my Gold has been a major pain it keeps crashing it's self I don't have Statuim 2 yet but luckyly I don't if I did my Gold and SIlver would trash it badly so ever since they have not been right any ideas how it happened?

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: xparasite9
Date: 2006-03-19 20:18:21

It does? Im a Glitch Hunter
I've been after 'M and MissingNo. for years and he's never auto-saved my games never but..this happened to me on my Yellow when I was trying to a Mew I used my brother's game cart. put in the codes I though was right so I would get attacked by a lvl 5 Mew but oh well I was wrong, I got attacked the Mew was ment to be was nothing more of a cube/block of Pixels plus it's cry was MissingNo.'s cry and when i send out my Blastiose at the time the Mew was there it said for it's name MissingNo. but when it attacked me it said: Wild Mew Appeared! so I though finaly gonna get one but i was really wrong ever since my Yellow has been crashing my Stadium plus trying to delete my saved files but ever since I've restarted it around 3 times this year it's been find still annying oh well, plus here's something strange, one day I was playing my
Gold and Silver well I started up Silver and Lugia was in his color's so I loaded up my file the colors were all mixed and badly messed up I was in Glitch City I don't know how it happened but it did same with me Gold, my Gold has been a major pain it keeps crashing
THIS ALMOST SOUNDS LIKE THE GLITCH DIMENSION, BUT IT SEEMS LIKE IT MIGHT HAVE BEEN A SIDE EFFECT OF CHEATING. (SEE PIC AT TOP OF SCREEN) itself I don't have Statuim 2 yet but luckily I don't if I did my Gold and SIlver would trash it badly so ever since they have not been right any ideas how it happened?

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2006-03-19 20:50:45
Glitch Dimension does happen if you incorrectly try to use a gameshark code, BTW.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Wild MissingNo. appeared
Date: 2006-03-20 19:55:18
Hm I don't really know what happened since I tryed something like catching Mew on Yellow but was nothing more than a block of Pixles but all my other games seems fine on it no trouble there my red's fine so my blue but only G/S/Y have not been normal they are the only, 3 that go strange or crash.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Glitch Reaper
Date: 2006-04-07 18:29:11
How about tackling the biggest myth of all, the PokeGods. It is a good theory that they actually correspond to glitch Pokemon in the game. Some are obvious like Rainer and PokeWtrainer or Matix and anything with SuperGlitch. But what about others? Should another topic be started for the purpose of the ever amusing reply: "(Insert PokeGod name here.)? You mean (insert glitch Pokemon name here) right!"