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Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters - Page 10

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2009-04-30 16:56:37
Oh 12-year-olds and their not knowing what a bong is. (Glisp knows what it is, he's just not saying.)

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-04-30 17:15:25

What the f**k is a Bong anyways? We may never know. On the plus side I'm laughing on the inside at the whole concept of that bogus story just because the person used the word Bong incorrectly in a funny way. :D

A bong is a curved tube that you use by putting the small end in your mouth and pouring beer in the other end.

Or you can smoke marijuna like Michael Phelps.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Hydrall
Date: 2009-05-02 06:50:44


On topic again, I remember once hearing that you could catch trainers using a gameshark. Or can you technically do anything with a gameshark?

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Zowayix
Date: 2009-05-02 07:09:58

you could trainers using a gameshark

You accidentally part of your sentence?

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Axaj
Date: 2009-05-02 08:50:02

you could trainers using a gameshark

You accidentally part of your sentence?

I think he meant to say "do trainers."

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Hydrall
Date: 2009-05-03 19:49:44
No, catch trainers.


Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Thomas
Date: 2009-05-04 18:29:02

in pokemon gold if you keep tapping the 'a' button on RED's bed a bong will appear on the desk and RED will walk in and pick it up and leave. that's what a friend told me but i don't own it so i can't test it. Ace please help

I can't believe anyone would believe that.

Well, there was one cheat I heard out there, that if you talked to the old man in G/S/C who used to activate the Missingno. cheat, then went to Cinnabar Island, surfed along the coast (as if you were doing the Missingno. cheat), then used a certain combination of items (Can't remember for the life of me what they were), you would encounter Spongebob Squarepants and be able to capture him as a Pokemon. That's pretty obviously false.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: fivex
Date: 2009-05-05 00:26:23
LOL. That is so funny.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-05-05 11:55:37

in pokemon gold if you keep tapping the 'a' button on RED's bed a bong will appear on the desk and RED will walk in and pick it up and leave. that's what a friend told me but i don't own it so i can't test it. Ace please help

I can't believe anyone would believe that.

Well, there was one cheat I heard out there, that if you talked to the old man in G/S/C who used to activate the Missingno. cheat, then went to Cinnabar Island, surfed along the coast (as if you were doing the Missingno. cheat), then used a certain combination of items (Can't remember for the life of me what they were), you would encounter Spongebob Squarepants and be able to capture him as a Pokemon. That's pretty obviously false.

…Spongebob? Every idiot could tell he's not a part of the Pokemon series, games or otherwise.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Thomas
Date: 2009-05-05 14:32:05

in pokemon gold if you keep tapping the 'a' button on RED's bed a bong will appear on the desk and RED will walk in and pick it up and leave. that's what a friend told me but i don't own it so i can't test it. Ace please help

I can't believe anyone would believe that.

Well, there was one cheat I heard out there, that if you talked to the old man in G/S/C who used to activate the Missingno. cheat, then went to Cinnabar Island, surfed along the coast (as if you were doing the Missingno. cheat), then used a certain combination of items (Can't remember for the life of me what they were), you would encounter Spongebob Squarepants and be able to capture him as a Pokemon. That's pretty obviously false.

…Spongebob? Every idiot could tell he's not a part of the Pokemon series, games or otherwise.

Plus, wouldn't there be copyright problems if they had put him in the game as a Pokemon? That also helps explain that as false.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-05-06 22:41:35
Actually pokemon RBGY were thought of long before Spongebob was even thought of. (1995 was the year they came out in japan.) The reason why bogus cheats like this are made is so that little retarded kids (no offense to anyone here who actually is) who believe this shit, cry to their Mommies. " Mommy, dat bad pewson on da intewnet towd me a wie! Cwadle me like a wittow baby mommie whiwe I suck my tum!"

Oh and Gary 'M 9, I don't get out a lot so, surpisingly, I had no idea what a Bong was until he said that. Geez I need to get out more often don't I?

Um anyways I was looking through an old GBC Gameshark codebook and it had some tips and tricks and one of them was getting a Mew simply by Nicknaming one of your starters MEW the second you got it. I tried it and lull and behold it didn't work. I was pissed. I lost that GBC GS codebook too.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: Phrawger
Date: 2009-05-07 14:27:48

Actually pokemon RBGY were thought of long before Spongebob was even thought of. (1995 was the year they came out in japan.) The reason why bogus cheats like this are made is so that little retarded kids (no offense to anyone here who actually is) who believe this s**t, cry to their Mommies. " Mommy, dat bad pewson on da intewnet towd me a wie! Cwadle me like a wittow baby mommie whiwe I suck my tum!"

Oh and Gary 'M 9, I don't get out a lot so, surpisingly, I had no idea what a Bong was until he said that. Geez I need to get out more often don't I?

Um anyways I was looking through an old GBC Gameshark codebook and it had some tips and tricks and one of them was getting a Mew simply by Nicknaming one of your starters MEW the second you got it. I tried it and lull and behold it didn't work. I was pissed. I lost that GBC GS codebook too.

I don't know why anyone would cry to their mother over a false code, or why anyone would make a false code with the intent of that happening. Frankly, the notion that fake codes have an intent to make people complain is silly.

And I highly doubt that the book referring to the "Mew" nickname trick was a reputable company's manufactured product.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-05-07 14:46:11
Its happened before. Look at the pandamonium Missingno caused in the past. When something bad happened to their game, they blamed Missingno and asked their moms to buy them a new cartridge.

Also I was being sarcastic by what I said before.

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: ?????(000)
Date: 2009-05-07 15:35:45
Myth: 'M corrupts the PC

Is this true or not?

Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters

Posted by: glitchhunter09
Date: 2009-05-07 17:24:08
He doesn't corrupt the PC. However if you catch one at level 0 and it goes to the PC, it will automatically be warped around to level 100 and your PC will lock up causing the game to freeze every time you deposit, withdraw, or whatever from your PC. The easiest way to fix this problem is to simply go onto Pokemon Stadium 1 or 2 and release is or move around your Pokemon. Whatever the hell you want to do can be done in Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2. However be aware that if you attempt to "See List in Pokemon Stadium 1 selecting any pokemon to do stuff with, and having Missingno, 'M, or any glitch pokemon in the same list will cause the game to freeze.