Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters
Posted by: Missing? NO!
Date: 2009-05-07 17:25:52
If you beat the Elite 4 666 times in Pokemon Leafgreen, when you go to Cerulean Cave there will be a thing called Satan there.
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I don't think there will be a MythBusters page on the wiki, so I no longer really see the point of this. No offense to anybody who's recently posted since you're not meant to know about it. What does the rest of the staff think?
Myth: "There's some kind of awesome secret that the developers didn't want you to find in the grass beyond the fence beside Route 1."
Truth: For years gamers have wondered what lies in that seemingly endless expanse of grass to the right and left of Route 1 that no one can get to. Some people think you can find Mew or Glitch Pok�mon there, others think there's a secret area beyond the grass. Well, there's a "secret" there all right… You take one step into that grass and your game freezes. People have tried this with the Gameshark walk-through-walls code and the same thing has happened every time. No, this isn't because of some defense system that the developers added or anything, it's actually because there's nothing out there. It's not that there's no grass beyond there or anything, there's just nothing. No data, not even empty space. The developers didn't program anything out there because you're not supposed to be able to go there, so when someone walks far enough to see the spot where the grass ends, the game crashes because it doesn't know what to do with the null data. Coincidentally, this is the same reason that the game freezes if you Surf too far in any direction in Glitch City.
It's because when you enter past that area from the top, you're sidestepping the loading line (yes r/b/y has loading lines too, although they work a bit differently) and have the area you're in loaded into the left and right, and, since there's none of these lines coded into the area you're now in, you get a loop.
The Myth is definitely false… however, you can enter the grass. Approaching the grass in most areas will freeze the game, but there are also areas around the perimeter that wont, and will give you access to all of the grass there and more. However, the only thing that appears in that grass is the regular spawn of Route 1. As for some "secret area" laying beyond the grass, all there is is several clones of Pallet Town/Route 1 with no NPCs, warps, or working signs.
talking to bill 100x then talking to mr coffe then going to the middle of cerulean and marrying misty doesnt wor does it?