Re: Glitch City Laboratories MythBusters
Posted by: LedZeplin2
Date: 2008-01-18 19:54:02
Glitch City Laboratories closed on 1 September 2020 (announcement). This is an archived copy of a thread from Glitch City Laboratories Forums.
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Yeah, but I would've typed in other things to see what they did.
Yeah, but I would've typed in other things to see what they did.
Like what? F*** you?
That's…interesting…a rumor revived!
The official Nintendo codebank disagrees with the assertion that pokeball capture percentage is flat. Since they've discontinued the site, here's an archived version:
Every map in the game has a border block that shows up outside the boundaries of the map. These two routes just happen to have different border blocks. When you view the border from one map you get rocks since those are that route's border block. When you view the border from the other route you get a different border. It was unintentional.
In Pokemon R/B, At the top of Cycling Road and on Route 5, there are some rocks that appear and disappear if you move. Do the rocks have a special purpose? if not, why did the programmers put them there?