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Wiki Discussion

Wiki Bug List and Reports - Page 2

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2011-08-14 21:34:46
Ah, maybe the site is unable atm to delete the cookies or something (before the maintenance, I was unable to create an account). Have you ever tried to delete the cookies manually?

And that's kinda ironic. Me and Torchic are locked out, but you're locked IN. xD

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2011-08-14 21:37:46
Not really locked in, I can get out by deleting the cookie.

Actually, you CAN login.  The Wiki doesn't seem to be picking up forum domain logins, but if you switch the cookie site location from to, you'll be able to login.  Moving the cookie to that location makes it able to be used on both the forum and wiki.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2011-08-14 21:39:26
Ah, they use the exact same cookie? I'ma try to do that.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2011-08-14 21:56:27
Tell me how that works out.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2011-08-14 22:20:13
It worked! Took some time, due to Google Chrome's null amount of good cookie editors. I had to use a shitty one which froze GC like 5 times. lol

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: OwnageMuch
Date: 2011-08-14 23:28:49
On the side note of that wiki login thing, the same happens for search.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2011-08-15 00:06:44
Tsukuu is right; the wiki and forum logins don't seem to sync right now. Another bug to make note of.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2011-08-15 08:29:32
Nice, the f***ing cookie got deleted (expired?). But I just realized that is better to edit the wiki using Opera for now because it has a built-in cookie editor (idk about Firefox, but Chrome's cookie editor are shit). It can't create cookies or edit the domain, though. But I noticed that, even not logged in, creates a session cookie, and I can just copy the values (as well the name) from forum's SMFCookie944 and overwrite the's PHPSESSID.

EDIT1: LOL, why didn't I think on this before? As any wiki, GCL wiki has a Special:UserLogin. It gives a cookie error, but works anyways (unfortunately it logs me out after few hours).

EDIT2: another bug, but very small. I was editing my wiki preferences, but when I was changing my timezone, I realized that the value in the box (-03:00, for example) doesn't change when the localization is switched using arrows, only when it's clicked with the mouse cursor. Very minor thing, but I still thought I should put it here. :P

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2011-08-15 22:38:15
Special:Userlogin isn't the recommended way to login. GCL and the forum are supposed to be single-signon. For some reason, SMF's cookie (which should be shared among all domains) is not working properly.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2011-08-15 22:51:43
Maybe create two "SMFCookie944" cookies would work (one for, and one to, since they can use the same value)… I don't know much about cookies. :P

EDIT: looks like the wiki preferences I changed got forgotten…

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: GARYM9
Date: 2011-08-15 23:00:20
Are you sure they got forgotten or you just forgot to hit send?  Try it again.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2011-08-15 23:11:25
I remember I saved the configs three times. One for timezone issues, one for editing things (like automark Minor Edit ) and one for main main preferences (gender, etc). But I confirmed my email a while after that. Maybe it's related… I'll reconfig that, and see if it gets forgotten again.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Abwayax
Date: 2011-08-15 23:26:03
For some reason the forum cookie is being saved on "" even though I told SMF to use subdomain-independent cookies. Oh well :/

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Torchickens
Date: 2011-08-16 07:43:36

EDIT2: another bug, but very small. I was editing my wiki preferences, but when I was changing my timezone, I realized that the value in the box (-03:00, for example) doesn't change when the localization is switched using arrows, only when it's clicked with the mouse cursor. Very minor thing, but I still thought I should put it here. :P

Yeah, I added that earlier when updating one of my posts. Another problem is that the bullet points are the same as the forums, rather than the special Pokéball bullet points that we were using before.

For some reason the forum cookie is being saved on "" even though I told SMF to use subdomain-independent cookies. Oh well :/

My cookies are saved at both ""; and "" now, maybe the problem is half-fixed now.

Re: Wiki Bug List and Reports

Posted by: Tsukuu
Date: 2011-08-16 08:53:04
Yay. I re-logged into the forums and I was logged on wiki as well. Looks like it's fixed. ;D

And the wiki preferences didn't get lost this time, btw. Also, idk why I got an session error while trying to logout. At least it worked when I went to main forum page. But probably my session just expired, since I'm doing other things and keep forgetting the page. :P

EDIT: f*** it lost my preferences again. It happened probably when I checked them, because after that, I noticed that Torchic's edits were at a different time. But just open the preferences wouldn't delete them, would it…?

And btw, I tried to use a custom timezone of "-03:02", but it was always changing to "-04:02". I just put as -3 to avoid problems.